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The man in front of me shout: I clutched man the side of the door-way ,while the air outsides the plane seemed to be screeching past.

The man hit him sock in the eye. 那个男人一拳正好打在他的眼睛上。
The man ignored his neighbors' advice. He thought that since the sheep had been lost, there's no use mending the pen. 这个人听了邻居的话,心想:反正羊已经丢了,修羊圈有什么用呢?
The man in Lane 3 is taking the lead. 第3跑道上的人正领先。
The man in a shirt is my uncle. 穿衬衣的男士是我叔叔。
The man in black is Mr. Wang. 穿黑色衣服的那个人是王先生。
The man in front of me shout: I clutched man the side of the door-way ,while the air outsides the plane seemed to be screeching past. 我前面那个人在大声喊了:飞机外面的空气似乎很刺耳的时候,我抓住了人门道入口的边的那个人。
The man in front of us is really a road hog. 在我们的前面那个人真是个蛮横的司机。
The man in neat sweaty sweater seated himself in the rear. 穿整洁的汗湿毛衣的男子在后面就坐.
The man in overalls shook his head at the convoluted nature of it all. I just hope it works when they get it there,he said. 整项工程十分繁复,穿工装的男子直摇头:“设备弄过去后,但愿能用。”
The man in the car is my uncle. 在汽车里的那个人是人叔叔。
The man in the corner is my father. 在角落的那个人是我的父亲。

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