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I think I recognize your hoof in it.

I think I need to step out for a period of time after this unhappy quarrel. 发生了这样不愉快的争吵之后,我觉得有必要暂时离开一段时间。
I think I ought to put all my cards on the table. I'm not rich. But when my father dies I'll have about fifty thousand dollars. 我想我应该把我所有的财产都公开。我不富裕。但是我父亲去世后我会得到大约五万美元。
I think I overrated him; he can't handle a senior job. 我看我对他估计过高了, 他胜任不了高职位的工作.
I think I prefer bananas to strawberries. 我想和草莓相比,我更喜欢香蕉。
I think I prefer music to art. 我想我宁愿学音乐而不愿学美术。
I think I recognize your hoof in it. 我看出你在这里面插了一手。
I think I remembered to switch the oven off but you'd better check (up) (that I did). 我好像记得把烤箱关了,但你最好再查看一下(我是否关了).
I think I remembered to switch the oven off but you'd better check (up) (that I did). 我好像记得把烤箱关了, 但你最好再查看一下(我是否关了).
I think I saw Brown hacking down their centre forward. 我想我看见了布朗用脚踢倒了对方的中锋。
I think I see. You must have gone through seemingly endless trial and error in the design stage. Just how many samples did you make? 我觉得我明白了。你们在设计阶段一定做了无数次的反复试验。你们一共试验了多少样品?
I think I should have finished it by then. 我想到那时我应该完成了。

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