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If you are using any multi-thread download accelerator/manager please make sure NOT to set the number of simultaneous threads above 3. 如果您使用任何多线程下载加速器/管理软件,请确认不要将线程数设置为3个以上。
If you are using or are about to use a CC license, which version are you using or would you use? 如果已经或打算使用,您使用的是什么版本的许可协议?
If you are using other medicine, please consult it to the physician or the pharmacist before using it. 如正在服用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。
If you are very close behind the leading car then your speed may incease very rapidly in a short time. 如果你非常靠近前车,你的速度也许增加的非常快。
If you are visiting Sittella speak to the affable Ben at the cellar door and ask him if you can say Bonjour to the young man that has brought a touch of French flair and flavour to the Valley. 如果你去访问斯特尔拉葡萄酒厂,与在藏酒室工作的和蔼可亲的本聊一聊,问问他是否可以与那位把法国智慧和风味带到天鹅河谷的小伙子打声招呼。
If you are visitor to the site, other than a customer using the on-line shopping service, you need not supply any personal data to access or use the site but personal data is collected from you if you request My Services (HK) Ltd. catalogues or other prom 假如阁下是本网页的访客,而非网上购物服务的顾客,则阁下毋需提供任何个人资料以浏览或使用本网页;但假如阁下要求本公司提供货品目录或其他宣传小册子或资料,本公司则需向阁下收集个人资料。
If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the Administrator for help. 如果你有视力障碍或无法读取代码,请联系管理员寻求帮助。
If you are waiting for a train at the station, you can always read a magazine or rather chalk out your study timetable for exams. 如果你在车站等火车,可以看杂志甚至是为考试大致列个学习计划。
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy. 如果你穿得漂亮点,她会觉得你是个花花公子。
If you are well dressed,she says you are a playboy. 你要是穿的帅一点,她会说你是花花公子。
If you are willing to buy the whole lot once and for all ,we can grant you a discount of 8% on the price. 如果你方坚决地买全部产品,我方同意给你方这个价格8%的折扣。

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