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About you,you'll of be ashamed.

About two thousand delegates packed the hall. 约有2000名代表把礼堂挤得满满的。
About two-fifths of our population live in this immense area. 约占我国人口五分之二的人居住在这个辽阔的地区。
About two-thirds of Rigveda is about the gods Agni (Fire) and Indra (Ruler of the gods). 大约三分之二的梨俱吠陀是包括有关阿耆尼(火神)和因陀罗(众神的管理者)的内容。
About water economization, Chiefly introduced new equipment, new hot water cycle system, the control of the exceed pressure of out water, reuse of grey water, reuse of rainwater, new method of setting fire-fighting poor, new kinds of water meter and its m 节水方面,主要介绍了新型节水设备,新型热水循环系统,超压出水的控制,中水回用,雨水回用,消防水池的设置新方法,新型水表及管理方法,真空节水技术。
About you want to give back your goods,please contact with the product provider or sales merchant. 有关退货事宜,请与您的产品供应商或售货商接洽。
About you,you'll of be ashamed. 至于你,你应该感到惭愧。
About20 Chinatown garment workers— who said their boss abruptly closed up shop, leaving them high and dry at Christmas— yesterday demanded$40, 000 in back pay. 大约20名唐人街制衣工人——他们说老板突然关闭工厂,令他们在圣诞节一筹莫展——昨天要求付给他们40000元欠薪。
Above 1 year of market research DP experence. 在市场研究公司从事数据处理工作一年或以上。
Above 2-3 year relevant working experience. 3年以上相关工作经验。
Above 3 year experience for vehicle technical training and technical support . 3年以上汽车领域技术培训/技术支持/汽车维修经验.
Above 3 years connector industry relative work experiences.Prefer in Connector Industry. 3年及以上精密注塑领域工作经验,有连接器行业者尤佳。

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