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The yearly capacity of synthetic ammonia reached 160,000 tons in 2006, and formed chemical products series with strong products which are synthetic ammonia and carbinol, and list in the top of medium-sized state-owned chemical enterprises in Hebei Provinc

The year of the Cockerel will see several new and exciting chances in the hotel, concerning both our Food and beverage operations and our guest bedrooms. 新的鸡年将要见证酒店餐饮和客房的一些新的和振奋人心的机遇。
The year production of our company attains 6,000,000 meters, The specification ranges 15 yard to 380 yard, and with smooth surface, precision bore, low extension, and suitable for silk-screen, and mainly used in the fields of silk fibre, ceramic printing, 本公司年产筛网达到600万米,产品规格15目-380目,本产品:网面平整、目孔精确、伸长率低,丝印性能好,主要适用于丝绸花纤、陶瓷印花、印制电路板、印花制版、标牌、花纸、过滤、箱包、环保等行业。
The year saw him playing an Alaskan hockey player in Mystery, Alaska and a tobacco industry whistleblower in The Insider. 这一年,他在影片《神秘-阿拉斯加》中扮演了一名阿拉斯加曲棍球运动员,在影片《惊爆内幕》中扮演了一名烟草工业的告密者。
The year-long sale process has been complicated by Daewoo Heavy's involvement in the defence industry through a subsidiary that produces engines and military hardware. 大宇重工通过一家子公司介入国防工业,令历时一年之久的出售过程变得复杂。这家子公司生产引擎和军用硬件。
The yearly South China Sea summer Cease-Fishing started from 12:00 of June 1st. 6月1日12时起,一年一度的南海伏季休渔正式开始。
The yearly capacity of synthetic ammonia reached 160,000 tons in 2006, and formed chemical products series with strong products which are synthetic ammonia and carbinol, and list in the top of medium-sized state-owned chemical enterprises in Hebei Provinc 2006年合成氨年生产能力达到了16万吨,形成了以合成氨和甲醇为主导的化工产品系列,已位于河北省中型国有化工企业先进行列。
The yearly conference will be held next month. 年会下个月举行。
The yearly cost of a mortgage, including interest, mortgage insurance, and the origination fee (points), expressed as a percentage. 用百分比表示的抵押贷款的年成本,包括利率成本、抵押保险和融资费用(点数)。
The yearly cycle in a plant's life when growth slows and the plant rests. Fertilizing should be withheld when a plant is in dormancy. 植物生命的年度周期,在此周期内,植物生长放缓,处于休眠状态。当植物处于休眠期时,应控制施肥。
The yearly intake of students of our school is 648. 我校每年招收的学生数是648。
The yearly supplement keep the dictionary up to date. 逐年的增补使这部词典的内容能随时跟上形势的发展。

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