Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits , but they must not do so at the expense of stifling normal child development .
家长把好的学习习惯强加给孩子没有错,但是,他们这么做不能以抑制儿童的正常发展为代价。 |
Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a [b][color=Red] a slur[/color][/b] on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoy
当家长听到孩子赞扬自己朋友的家时,总感到不安,认为这个孩子在嫌弃自家的饭菜,卫生,或家具,而且愚蠢地让孩子看出自己的烦恼。 |
Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed.
当家长听到孩子赞扬自己朋友的家时,总感到不安,认为这个孩子在嫌弃自家的饭菜,卫生,或家具,而且愚蠢地让孩子看出自己的烦恼。 |
Parents are often upset when their children praise the homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, and often are foolish enough to let the adolescents see that they are annoyed.
当家长听到孩子赞扬自己朋友的家时,总感到不安,认为孩子在嫌弃自家的饭菜、卫生、或家具,而且愚蠢地让孩子看出自己的烦恼。 |
Parents are strongly encouraged to collaborate with school and people from the local community are invited to supplement school education.
努力倡导家长与学校协同办学,积极引进社会贤达人士参与学校教育。 |
Parents are the natural guardians of the children. Testamentary guardians function only when both parents are not around. It applies only to testators who have children below 21 years old.
父母是孩子的自然监护人。监护人的义务只在父母亲皆不在世的情况下有效。此项条文只针对那些拥有21岁以下孩子之立遗嘱者。 |
Parents are thirst for that there chilren safety and weal.
父母都渴望他们的孩子们平安幸福。 |
Parents are too permissive with their children nowadays.
家长过于纵容子女教育. |
Parents can encourage their child to touch and feel what's around them to learn more about his environment.
父母可以引导孩子运用他们小小的身体去触摸并感受周遭的每件事物。 |
Parents can help their child develop a sense of rhythm and numbers by encouraging him count when he is performing an activity such as jumping or bouncing a ball.
藉由身体的移动鼓励孩子数数,如跳几下,扳几次手或拍了几次球,帮助孩子发展节奏感及一对一的概念。 |
Parents can help their child to develop his observational skills and ability to distinguish by encouraging him to identify various colors that he sees in his surroundings.
教孩子辨认颜色,使其视觉智能不断受到刺激,可培养其观察和辨别物品的能力。 |