Under File Menu, select Print.
在档案菜单下,选列印. |
Under Florida law, a victory margin of half of one per cent or le automatically triggers a recount.
根据佛罗里达州法例,如领先双方得票率相差少于百分之零点五,将要自动重新点票。 |
Under Florida law, a victory margin of half of one per cent or less automatically triggers a recount.
根据佛罗里达州法例,如领先双方得票率相差少于百分之零点五,将要自动重新点票。 |
Under Germen legal system, conditions precedent is a special requirement for a juristic act to take effect, while according to French Code Civil, it is only a requirement for the performance of a contract.
在德国法下,停止条件是法律行为生效的特别要件;而根据法国法,它是债权合同履行的条件。 |
Under Governor Bush's tax cut proposal, he would spend more money on tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent than all of the new spending that he proposes for education, health care, prescription drugs and national defense all combined.
根据布什州长的减税计划,布什州长通过减税,在只占全美1%人口的最富有的人身上花的钱将超过他所有的新增开支的总和--包括在医疗保健、处方药、国防上新增开支的总和。 |
Under Israeli law, however, its decision to pull out does not take effect until Thursday - leaving time for last-minute negotiations.
根据以色列法律,沙斯党退出政府的决定将到周四才可生效--以留下做最后谈判的时间。 |
Under Italian League rules, there is a limit to the number of non-EC players that a Serie A side can sign in one season.
按照意大利联赛的规定,意甲球队每个赛季都只有一个引进非欧盟身份球员的名额。 |
Under Jewish Law land had the right to stay in family ownership.
根据犹太法律,土地为家庭传承财产。 |
Under KERSH's line we see scenes from last week, SCULLY looking at herself in the mirror, SKINNER looking up at the UFO that took MULDER in Requiem, SKINNER and SCULLY in KERSH's office.
(以克什为线,我们上周看到的戏,使高丽在镜子中看自己,在安灵弥撒那集中,斯金纳看着带走莫特的飞碟,斯金纳和史高丽在克什的办公室中。) |
Under Lobanovsky, Dynamo made the step up from domestic domination to progress in the Champions League.
在洛巴诺夫斯基带领下,迪纳摩上了一个台阶,从国内称霸到欧冠称雄。 |
Under Marie's tuition, Inis Ealga won the gold medal for Ireland at the Folk Dance Olympics in Dijon in 1981 in a competition spanning the five continents of the world.
在玛莉的指导下,爱尔兰奥加舞蹈学院于1981年参加在法国第戎举行的世界民俗舞蹈大赛。这场比赛的参赛者来自世界五大洲,奥加舞蹈学院杰出的表现也替爱尔兰拿下了金牌。 |