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A rise in the death toll of the Atlanta bus crash, claiming members of a college baseball team.

A ripple, as on the surface of water. (水面上的等)细浪,涟漪
A rise in oil prices depresses the car market. 油价上涨导致汽车市场不景气.
A rise in serum creatinine level after contrast was significantly associated with the severity of pre-contrast renal impairment and the presence of diabetes mellitus but not with the type of contrast used. 造影后血清肌酐水平的升高和造影前肾脏功能损害的严重程度以及存在糖尿病相关,而和所使用的造影剂类型无关。
A rise in the base rate from 5.25% to 5.5% looks certain when the bank's monetary-policy committee meets on May 10th, and this prospect has helped to push already-strong sterling through the $2 barrier. 今年5月10日银行货币政策委员会会议后,基准利率从5.25%上升至5.5%看上去已成定局,这一期望帮助坚挺的英镑越了2美元的关口。
A rise in the cost of living touches everyone. 生活费用的增加与每个人都有关系。
A rise in the death toll of the Atlanta bus crash, claiming members of a college baseball team. 在亚特兰大大巴碰撞事故中的死亡人数又有了增加,并宣布了一只大学棒球对的人数。
A rise of 1.6 degrees Celsius was posted in the Sea of Japan, which Koreans call the East Sea, due largely to warming air over the Eurasian continent. 被韩国称做「东海」的日本海,温度上升了摄氏一点六度,大部份是欧亚大陆的暖空气所造成。
A rise or increase, as in prices or enrollment. 上涨,增加价格或招生人数的上涨
A rising chorus wails that Fed officials have become obsessed with monthly inflation figures and that their fixation will cause them to push interest rates too high and tip the economy into recession. 日益高涨的共同呼声哀叹道:美联储官员执着于月度通胀数据以及由此引发的过度入迷将导致他们将利率推得过高,最终使经济陷于衰退。
A risk management plan is then developed, with the collaboration of prison, social work and health services. 为此,在监狱、社会工作者及卫生保健机构的共同努力下,正在制定一次风险管理计划。
A ritual act of breathing on baptismal water or on the one being baptized. 吹气仪式对洗礼水或受洗礼者吹气的一种宗教仪式

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