Hydraulic pump and hydraulic pressure station,ete.Company in line with aim on "reputation first,custo-mers come first",promise promise on" quality reliable,deliver reliable,deliver in time,the price is rati-onal,serve outstandingly" conscien-tiously,Offer |
中文意思: 公司本着“信誉第一,顾客至上”的宗旨,切实做到“质量可靠,交货及时、价格合理、服务优良”的承诺,向顾客提供100%的合格产品。 |
Hydraulic elevator running safely and stably, the elevator will be still going down slowly to the nearest floor and open even if power failure or malfunction occurred in power source.
液压电梯运行安全可靠,即使停电或电源发生故障,仍可使轿厢稳定慢速下降到附近楼层后开门。 |
Hydraulic front disc brake ensures greater stopping power with less effort.
油压前碟刹只要稍加用力就能发挥出色制动力。 |
Hydraulic power modules imported from Europe and USA.
油压动力单元选用欧美进口之零组件。 |
Hydraulic pressure has dropped to zero due to line leaking.
液压力下降至零因漏油。 |
Hydraulic pressure model in direct molmerged,simple in structure,convenient in mold adjustment, and the force of clamoping can be easy adjusted,data can be read directly.
液压式直接合模结构简单,调模方便,并且锁模力易于调整,数值易于直读。 |
Hydraulic pump and hydraulic pressure station,ete.Company in line with aim on "reputation first,custo-mers come first",promise promise on" quality reliable,deliver reliable,deliver in time,the price is rati-onal,serve outstandingly" conscien-tiously,Offer
公司本着“信誉第一,顾客至上”的宗旨,切实做到“质量可靠,交货及时、价格合理、服务优良”的承诺,向顾客提供100%的合格产品。 |
Hydraulic pump is the power unit of the hydraulic puller (hydraulic press, hydraulic pipe bender, hydraulic jack).
油压泵是油压拉出器(油压机、油压弯管机、油压千斤顶)的动力装置。 |
Hydraulic reclamation with dispersing technology is characterized by its good maneuverability, economy, readily availability, and continuity.
摘要离散式吹填工艺具有机动性、经济性、速效性和连续性的特点。 |
Hydraulic structures,velometers,weirs,and flumes are used to gauge water in many irrigation districts.The fundamental principles and suitable conditions of these water metering methods are introduced in this paper.The main problems in the development of w
介绍利用水工建筑物、流速仪、堰、槽进行量水的基本原理及各自适用条件.从量水仪器、设施的性能、价格及灌区经济发展水平等方面,分析目前在灌区量水仪器、设施的开发研制方面存在的主要问题,以及灌区量水难以普及的主要原因.提出应结合灌区渠道防渗工程建设,合理选择和建设量水设施,并根据灌区经济发展水平,分步骤研制和推广便携式或固定式量水仪器,最终实现灌区量水自动化的灌区量水实施方案. |
Hydraulic system still leak, we'll be able to manage (steer) it to DACCA.
液压系统仍漏油,但能够操纵它到达卡。 |
Hydraulic system supplied large punching and riveting force.
采用柱塞式液压系统,冲铆力大,角连接强度高。 |