Two small boys and a dog comprised the street entertainer's only audience.
两个小男孩和一条狗成了街头艺人仅有的观众. |
Two smaller screens will be opening in May.
五月份将有两家小型电影院开业. |
Two societies confronting each other with conflicting universes will both develop conceptual machineries designed to maintain their respective universes.
两个社会的宇宙彼此面临冲突时,两者都会发展概念机构以维持他们宇宙的观点。 |
Two soldiers and one civilian were killed in the explosion.
在爆炸中有两个士兵和一个平民被炸死. |
Two soldiers died on the spot and four were wounded, two seriously.
两名军人当场死亡,4人受伤,其中两人伤势严重。 |
Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base.
两个战士把炮从底座上卸下来。 |
Two soldiers were killed and two wounded Monday when a roadside bomb hit their patrol southwest of Samarra, a Sunni insurgent stronghold recaptured in a US-backed offensive last autumn.
周二早间,军方称周一在巴格达南部一名美军士兵被抵抗组织发射的火箭弹击中而死亡。 |
Two sons were born to Eber, the name of the one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided, and his brother's name was Joktan.
代上1:19希伯生了两个儿子、一个名叫法勒〔法勒就是分的意思〕因为那时人就分地居住.法勒的兄弟名叫约坍。 |
Two sorts of people have stressed this point: European ex-Marxists, embarrassed by their errors over Stalin, and dissident ex-Muslims from the Islamic world who have fled to the West and fear their hosts will “go soft” on their persecutors.
极力推崇上述观点的有两类人:一类是因为过去对斯大林的误判而窘迫不堪、至今仍然心有余悸的欧洲前马克思主义者;另一类则是与伊斯兰世界持不同政见的前穆斯林,他们流亡至此,唯恐现任主人对迫害自己的凶手“心慈手软”。 |
Two souls with but a signle thought, two hearts that beat as one .
两个灵魂有着同一个思想,两颗心像一颗心一样跳动。 |
Two space observatories have provided the first strong evidence of a supermassive black hole stretching, tearing apart and partially gobbling up a star flung into reach of its enormous gravity, astronomers said.
天文学家说两个太空了望台首次提供有力的证据,证明了超级巨大黑洞的存在,恒星闯入黑洞强大的引力场里就被它拉伸、撕裂甚至部分吞噬。 |