To stabilize the river regime, the phase I and phase II regulation works have been implemented for years on this reach, resulting in the substantial control of severe change of regime. |
中文意思: 多年来为稳定河势,镇扬河段已实施了一、二期整治工程,使剧烈变化的河势已基本得到控制。 |
To spice up my life, I decided to learn yoga.
为了增添生活趣味,我决定学瑜珈. |
To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?
好吐出我的日子和习惯的全部烟蒂? |
To square the circle (Math.), to determine the exact contents of a circle in square measure. The solution of this famous problem is now generally admitted to be impossible.
试图把圆切拼成方形以精确计算其平方值是不可能做到的。如果楞要这么做,就显得有点故意刁难,求全责备了。 |
To stabilise price ratios on commodity markets, the Yongzheng Emperor, after serious reflection, enacted a thoroughgoing reform, and, for a long time thereafter, until the reign of the Qianlong Emperor, the total cost of coining specie was held at a low r
摘要雍正皇帝为稳定商品市场的银钱比价,对铜钱制度深刻反思后进行了全面改革,至乾隆时期,改革后的铸钱成本长期保持在铜钱千文含银一两以下,成本较低。 |
To stabilize the market, control prices, and protect the interests of the herdsmen and enterprises, the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere may establish a cashmere reserve system as per their own situations.
为稳定市场,平抑物价,保护牧民和企业的利益,羊绒主产省、自治区可根据本省、自治区的实际情况建立羊绒储备制度。 |
To stabilize the river regime, the phase I and phase II regulation works have been implemented for years on this reach, resulting in the substantial control of severe change of regime.
多年来为稳定河势,镇扬河段已实施了一、二期整治工程,使剧烈变化的河势已基本得到控制。 |
To stamp, to rage, to threaten, to breach his opponent's strategy with quotations from the Master, to win by stealth and destroy with rewards - for Chiang everything lay in this - to plot, plot, plot incessantly - and he put his faith in this method for h
拍桌子跺脚,破口大骂,威胁恫吓,用圣贤之言攻破对方的计策,用鬼蜮手段取胜,通过收买铲除异己——蒋介石什么事情都干得出来——不停地搞阴谋、耍诡计——他相信这种办法灵得很,因为他懂得人的贪婪、软弱和怯懦。 |
To stand against injustice and defend against injustice should extend as far as resisting and even disobeying unjust laws, but only when the injustice is great enough to warrant it.
坚持反对不公正并为反对不公正辩护应该拓展到抵制甚至不遵守不公正的法律上来,但仅仅是在不公正足够大时才有正当理由去反对。 |
To stand in the doorway of someone‘s heart.
就这样,站在了一个人的心灵入口。 |
To stand on the three gorge dam, you could see at plate force of unequal than any other hydraupower plant on earth.
站在三峡大坝顶上,你看到的是地球上最壮观的水力发电站。 |
To standardize the administration of the tax refund (exemption), the SAT issued the Trial Measures according to PRC Tax Administration and Collection Law, the Detailed Rules of PRC Tax Administration and Collection Law, the PRC Provisional Regulations on
为规范出口货物退(免)税管理,根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》、《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法实施细则》、《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》、《中华人民共和国消费税暂行条例》以及国家其他有关出口货物退(免)税规定,国家税务总局制订了《出口货物退(免)税管理办法(试行)》。 |