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But sometimes there is the need for own changes in the running kernel. Maybe some additional feature patches or important bugfixes not included in the official kernel.

But sometimes ruling parties become so addled and incompetent they need to be punished. “Depart, and let us have done with you,” Cromwell told the Rump Parliament. 但是有时占多数地位的党派是如此的腐败和昏庸无能因此他们应当受到惩罚。
But sometimes she\'s too caring... well... no... she\'s just possessive... and... uh... 但是有时候她太关心我了,不,是占有欲太强了。
But sometimes the Allies could not avoid battle. They had to land on some islands to seize airfields for American planes. 但是有时盟军无法避免堡垒。他们不得不登陆一些岛屿去为美国飞机占领机场。
But sometimes the bank should also withhold money from a government. 但有些时候,世行也应对一个政府停止捐助。
But sometimes the intensity of that connection is too strong. 但是,有些时候,这样的关系程度会过于强烈。
But sometimes there is the need for own changes in the running kernel. Maybe some additional feature patches or important bugfixes not included in the official kernel. 但有时需要自己对运行的内核作些更改.或许一些附加特性的补丁和重要的修正并不包括在官方的内核中.
But somewhere from the 19th century onward,more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless,phony or,worst of all,boring,as we went from Wordsworth's Daffodils to Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil. 但是到了19世纪的某个时候,更多的艺术家开始觉得快乐是没有意义的,是虚假的,更是枯燥乏味的,从华兹华斯的《黄水仙》到波德莱尔的《恶之花》都是如此。
But somewhere from the 19th century onward,more artists began seeing happiness as meaningless,phony or,worst of all,boring,as we went from Wordsworths Daffodils to Baudelaires Flowers of Evil. 「译文」但是到了19世纪的某个时候,更多的艺术家开始觉得快乐是没有意义的,是虚假的,更是枯燥乏味的,从华兹华斯的《黄水仙》到波德莱尔的《恶之花》都是如此。
But soon Anthony heard that the Union extended their forces towards to the Mississippi. 但是,不久安东尼听说北方联盟开始将他们的力量深入至密西西比。
But soon I was drifting back again. 可是,不一会儿我又转了回来。
But soon he was fed up with them. 但很快他对他们感到厌倦了。

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