I do hereby further declare myself to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, or other illness that would prevent my participation or use of equipment except as hereinafter stated.
在此我谨宣布我自己身体健康,没有那些会影响我参加活动或使用装备的不适,损伤,病痛或其它疾病,除了以下声明的情况。 |
I do his taxes every year.
我每年为他处理税务。 |
I do hope for a change on the school.
我真希望学校的情况会有变化。 |
I do hope this undesirable incident will not stand in the way of our future business.
我不希望这个令人不快的意外不会妨碍我们以后的生意。 |
I do hope you can make it, as Levens and I are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you both.
我竭诚希望你们应邀参加。刘易斯和我都怀着愉快的心情,盼望你们光临。 |
I do hope you will soon get well again.
我真诚希望你早日康复。 |
I do hope you'll visit us someday soon.
我非常希望不久的将来你也能访问我们。 |
I do it to take pressure off my players and the fans know they can celebrate a draw because they know we are thinking medium-term and it's a good result for us.
我那样做是想给队员和球迷缓解压力,让他们可以为一场平局而庆祝,因为他们知道我们想着联赛中期的事,这对我们是个好结果。 |
I do karate in the sports center every other day.
我每隔两天去运动中心练空手道。 |
I do know about the incident.
我确实知道这次事件。 |
I do know that quite a number of youngsters have the habit of listening to music while doing their homework.
我确实知道,现在有不少年轻人有一边做作业一边听背景音乐的习惯. |