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The electrochemical oxidation of paeonol is irreversible, which produces a compact insulated polymeric film on the electrode surface, and the electrochemical oxidation dynamic process was studied on an ultramicroelectrode.

The electricity stops anytime they like; the mosquitoes bit the workers and they got dengue fever and productivity was way down. 随时都可能会停电;蚊子叮咬工人,有些人得了登革热,生产力越来越弱。
The electricity went off and caused a black-out. 停电了,周围一片漆黑。
The electro-audiogram shows that yours is a type of nerve deafness ( conduction deafness, mixed type deafness). 您的电测听图表明是神经性耳聋(传导性耳聋,混合性耳聋)。
The electrochemical behaviours of paeonol on different solid electrodes were studied by cyclic voltammetry in alkaline phosphat buffer solution. 研究了在碱性磷酸盐缓冲溶液体系中,丹皮酚在固体电极上的电化学吸附氧化行为。
The electrochemical method is one of the most frequently used and simple methods for the preparation of electrode materials for hydrogen evolutioin. 摘要电化学方法是制备析氢电极材料最常用、最简单的方法之一。
The electrochemical oxidation of paeonol is irreversible, which produces a compact insulated polymeric film on the electrode surface, and the electrochemical oxidation dynamic process was studied on an ultramicroelectrode. 氧化产物发生随后化学反应,在电极表面生成致密的不导电聚合物膜。
The electrochemical performance of High Silicon-Iron Anodes Exerted by Square Wave Pulsed Currents (SWPCs) was studied by electrochemical. 摘要采用电化学方法和阳极消耗率评价法研究了高硅铸铁阳极在方波脉冲电流作用下的电化学性能。
The electrode attached to this region. 晶体管内的电子附着在晶体管这个区域的电子
The electrode in direct contact with the cable under test shall not consist of mercury or of any other material in the fluid state. 与电线电缆接触的电极不允许由水银或其他任何液体所组成。
The electrode is driven by Elliptical Movement and its direction is controlled by t wo voltage phase-difference. 为实现电火花电极的微米级步距,设计了椭圆微驱动电路,并能有效地控制电极的运动方向。
The electrolyser is switched off by active solenoid valves during periods of low insolation, with the PV power then fed directly to the consumers and the batteries. 当太阳辐射量较小的时候,电解器由自动控制的螺线管阀关闭,由PV板直接向用户和蓄电池组供电。

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