Epictitus's teachings on virtue has nothing to do with being a goody-goody or a doormat.
艾匹克提塔斯对于美德的教诲完全无关于做一个大好人或当一块门口的擦鞋垫那样任人践踏。 |
Epicurus This shit feels good.
伊比鸠鲁:这大便让我爽。 |
Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days.
埃毕丘鲁斯追求幸福的办法是只和志趣相投的人一起生活,只吃不涂黄油的面包,节日才加一点奶酪。 |
Epicurus was a [b][color=#990000]materialist[/color][/b].
伊壁鸠鲁相信快乐就是生活最高的善。 |
Epidaurus's perfect acoustics are indeed the result of what its audience sits on.
埃皮达鲁斯那些剧院所产生的完美效果实际上来自于坐在那里的观众。 |
Epidemic Febrile Diseases Course is an important clinical subject of TCM, which has broad practicability and guidance.
摘要《温病学》是一门重要的中医临床学科,有着广泛的实用性和指导性。 |
Epidemic cholera still remains throughout parts of Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
流行性霍乱在拉丁美洲、非洲和亚洲的部分地区仍然存在。 |
Epidemic disease is often in connection with bad sanitary conditions.
流行病通常是和不良的卫生条件有关的。 |
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever: it is a disease spread by mice and can be divided into field mice hemorrhagic fever and house mice hemorrhagic fever.
钩端螺旋体病:该病具有多宿主性,其中与鼠类有关者占相当大的比例。 |
Epidemic-stricken places where SARS patient or suspect is found will be enclosed for certain areas for disinfecting needs; the normal production or operation outside will be allowed.
按卫生部门规定的疫点、疫区消毒和隔离处理要求,所在单位在发现或接触过非典病人或疑似病人时,除局部地点封闭隔离、停工外,不再实行全面停产、停业。 |
Epidemiologists now know that rotavirus is far and away the leading cause of childhood diarrhea worldwide, infecting virtually all children between the ages of three months and five years.
如今,流行病学家已知:从三个月到五岁大的幼儿,几乎都感染过轮状病毒,它是造成全球儿童腹泻的最常见原因,远超过其他任何病原。 |