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A leading current interpretation holds that they are blocks of ice floating on a recently frozen sea covered by dust.

A leader's lasting value is measured by succession. 一个领导者永恒的价值是以延续性来衡量。
A leader, as such, deserves obedience. 这样的一位领导人是值得服从的。
A leader\'s most important job at any organization is to lay out a road map to the future. 身为任何企业的领导,最重要的工作就是绘制出未来的蓝图。
A leading French chef has been asked to help create space food for astronauts on long-term voyages in space. 一位法国名厨受邀帮忙长期在太空旅行的太空人设计食物。
A leading bank and a business chamber raised their forecasts for the city's growth this year. 一家主要银行和商会调高本地经济增长预测。
A leading current interpretation holds that they are blocks of ice floating on a recently frozen sea covered by dust. 目前最有代表性的解释是它们是一块块浮在一片被沙尘掩盖,最近冻结的海洋上的冰块。
A leading nutritionist recently pointed out that, while 24 million people in China live in abject poverty and suffer malnutrition, 60 million Chinese are obese. 最近一个营养学家指出,虽然中国有2400万人生活在贫困线以下,却仍然有6000万肥胖者。
A leading state university in the Pacific Northwest will serve as our example. 就以太平洋西北的一所顶尖大学来举例。
A leafy canopy shades about 30 percent of the average American city. But in many cities only one tree is replaced for every four that die. 树木的绿色枝叶搭成的天蓬大约遮盖了平均30%的美国城市。但是在许多城市,平均每死掉4棵树,补种的只有1棵。
A leaky roof; a leaky defense system. 有漏缝的屋顶;被泄密的防御体系
A lean and hungry cat came to our door. 一只饥饿的瘦猫走到我家门口。

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