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Less Food Dependency: bag slots are an incredibly precious commodity.

Leslie:On an order of six hundred, we can give you a discount of ten percent. 莱司利:订单是六百组的话,我们可以给你百分之十的折扣。
Leslie:Very good. Here is our price list. 莱司利:好的。这是我们的价目表。
Leslie:Yes. You could wire tra fer the payment into our bank account or open a letter of credit in our favor. 莱司利:是的。你可以汇款到我们的银行帐户,或是开一个以我们公司为抬头的信用状。
Lesotho Highlands Water Project - Information on the feasibility study, implementation, phasing, engineering. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Lesoult G, Catro M, Lacaze J.' Physical molding of the solidification of spheroidal graphite irons:Revisation of the coupled zone concept,modeling of casting,welding and/advanced solidification processes ( TMS ) ,ed.B.G.Thomas, C.Beckerman,1998,479. 王君卿.孙逊.苏仕方,等.铸造合金湍流和层流充型与凝固三维数值模拟软件及其在精密铸件上的应用.铸造,2001(8).
Less Food Dependency: bag slots are an incredibly precious commodity. 少依赖食物一点:背包的格子是非常宝贵的。
Less Maintenance Maintenance causes problems and adds to costs when structures are located in remote areas, and when plant shutdown or disruption to productions involved. 比较起其他涂层,热浸镀锌无需经常维修,因此可以节省开支。在不容易操作之部位,或赴僻远地区进行维修以及由于维修导致暂停生産所需要支出的费用会很大。
Less ash than that would knock out electrical power and relay stations. 而火山灰数量稍少的地区,电力站与通讯中继站可能会遭到破坏。
Less attention has been paid to the basic allure of the small screen—the medium, as opposed to the message. 电视所传播的讯息成为关注焦点,相较之下萤幕本身的吸引力却未受到太多重视。
Less attention is paid to the fact that we had a $491 billion trade deficit with the rest of the world in 2004. 但我们却没有注意到,在2004年我们同世界其他国家也有贸易赤字。
Less commonly the pancreas is involved. 胰腺很少受累。

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