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Its author's bizarre cognomen is his own invention; and, of course, this mask — through which two hypnotic eyes seem to glow — had to remain unlifted in accordance with its wearer's wish.

Its assessment last year found the numbers experiencing homelessness in Dublin had decreased by 19 per cent since 2002. 去年的评估报告发现2002年以来都柏林无家可归的人数减少了19%。
Its astounding to think that one day we will be able to take trips to the moon for the weekend. 想想有一天我们也许会到月球上去度周末呢,这是件多么令人难以置信的事啊!
Its austenite has two types of morphologies: one type is the austenite which is existing between the acicular ferrite and has approximately equiaxial block shape; another type is the austenite which is existing inside the acicular ferrite and has thin sli 其奥氏体有两种形态:一种是存在于针状铁素体之间的近似于等轴形的块状奥氏体;一种是存在于针状铁素体之内的薄片形奥氏体。
Its austere white is on every postcard, but the Athens Parthenon was originally daubed with red, blue and green, the Greek archaeologist supervising conservation work on the 2,400-year-old temple said. 希腊雅典的帕台农神庙历来以其肃穆的白色外表呈现在世界各地的明信片上,但该国考古学家日前发现,这座历经2400多年风雨洗礼的建筑最早其实是被涂成红、蓝和绿色的。
Its author Shakespeare is no doubt the greatest dramatist in the history of English literature. 它的作者莎士比亚无疑是英国文学史上最伟大的剧作家。
Its author's bizarre cognomen is his own invention; and, of course, this mask — through which two hypnotic eyes seem to glow — had to remain unlifted in accordance with its wearer's wish. 而本书作者的奇特的笔名这是他本人起的——按照他的遗愿,这个新奇的笔名理所当然的被保留了下来。
Its authors acknowledged the figures identified in the study varied widely from the numbers of crimes recorded by police. 调查报告的撰写者承认,调查得出的数据与警方记录的犯罪数量存在极大差别。
Its authors assume that oil prices have now peaked, but said prices were still expected to be 10 per cent higher on average this year than last. 该报告作者认为,油价目前已达峰值,但又表示,今年的平均油价预计仍将比去年高出10%。
Its backwater, due to bridge constrictions, is different from that of alluvial channels. 建桥后,由于桥位断面压缩而导致的壅水与一般冲积河流不同。
Its bag dusters have found wide application in the power, metallurgy, building materials, garbage incineration and chemical industries. 其袋式除尘产品广泛应用于电力、冶金、建材、垃圾焚烧、化工等行业。
Its base daily spell allotment is given in Table 3–1. 它的每日法术位数量见下表。

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