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Gold leaf or a paint containing or simulating gold; gilt.

Gold is similar in color to brass. 金和铜颜色相仿。
Gold is similar in colour to brass. 黄金和黄铜的颜色很相像。
Gold is similar to brass in color. 金子的颜色与黄铜相似。
Gold is used to stand behind paper currency. 黄金用做纸币的后盾。
Gold leaf is also used to accentuate the FLASH of a synchronized turn of many separate creatures. 他还会利用金箔去突出一大群鱼同时转向时闪烁的光芒。
Gold leaf or a paint containing or simulating gold; gilt. 金粉,泥金含有或模仿黄金的叶子或画;镀金物
Gold plating,nice.rare..This Jian should be used for official and squire.It can show your present status if you hang it on waist. 鎏金的,不错.少见..这剑应是官宦,大地主用的.把手机撂啦,把这剑挂在腰上,也可显示你现在的身份,哈哈.
Gold prices burst through $500 a troy ounce for the first time in 18 years yesterday on a wave of buying from Japanese private investors, but fell back quickly after trading in the Far East finished. 昨天,在日本私人投资者一波买盘的推动下,黄金价格18年来首次突破每盎司500美元,但在远东收盘后快速回落。
Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市场上的黄金价格暴涨。
Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation. 经过一段时期的波动后,预料伦敦市场的黄金价格将稳定下来。
Gold producers in China are benefiting from strong demand and bullish prices. 中国的黄金生产商从旺盛的需求和上扬的价格中受益良多。

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