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Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous writer.

Hundreds of Russians gathered for the first day of the annual pig Olympicson Saturday, cheering a field of 12 piglets who competed in three events: pig-racing, pig-swimming and pigball. 4月15日,一年一度的“小猪奥林匹克”运动会在俄罗斯开幕。运动会第一天,数百名俄罗斯人来到赛场,为12只参加赛跑、游泳和猪球比赛的小猪呐喊助威。
Hundreds of Shiites demonstrate in support of their governing coalition that the opposition accused of vote-rigging after it took a large lead in December elections. 上百名什叶派教徒集会支持他们的政府合并,在12月大选中占优势后他们的反对者们控告他们投票作弊。
Hundreds of Washington area boys and girls will have a chance to play T-ball on the White House South Lawn. 几百名华盛顿的男孩和女孩有机会在白宫的南草坪上玩T球。
Hundreds of academically educated designers improved the traditional models and trained weaving masters. 那时曾出现用银线织成的毡毯。
Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous aviator. 数百名爱慕者围困那个著名飞行员。
Hundreds of admirers besieged the famous writer. 数百名的崇拜者包围了这位著名作家。
Hundreds of anti-riot police and members of the elite National Guard were evacuating the area and sealing it off as ambulances rushed in. 好几百名防暴警察和国民警卫队精锐部对社区居民进行了疏散,随即封锁了这个社区,只有救护车出入。
Hundreds of bees swarmed the bumper of this car for no apparent reason and stuck around for two days before finally flying off. 数百只蜜蜂毫无征兆的涌入一辆汽车的缓冲器,停留了达两天之久后终于离去。
Hundreds of bees swarmed the bumper of this car for no apparent reason, and stuck around for two days before finally flying off. 不知为什么上百只蜜蜂围在这辆汽车的后保险杠上,逗留了两天后才飞走了。
Hundreds of candles lighted up the hall. 几百支蜡烛照亮了大厅。
Hundreds of children sweltering in the heat went to the neighborhood pool. 感到闷热的几百名孩子去了附近的游泳池。

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