If you're doing a song with them, and they love songs, they will be singing and chanting along enthusiastically and obviously training their pronunciation.
如果你教他们唱歌,他们也很喜欢唱歌,那么他们就会非常有激情地一起唱,很显然这就训练了他们的发音。 |
If you're dreaming of soft Scottish light and mist-covered glens, why not give one of theses top 5 romantic Scottish novels a try, recommended by The Scottish Book Trust, Scotland's agency for reading and writing.
如果你对苏格兰的光色和云雾轻舞的峡谷魂牵梦绕,试着读一下苏格兰图书托拉斯(苏格兰政府的读书和写作推广机构)推荐的苏格兰的五大浪漫主义主义小说吧。 |
If you're even thinking about e-mail, then do something creative like designing a personalized “home page” love letter.
如果你想通过电子邮件,就必须采取一些创造性的工作,例如设计一封个性十足的“主页”情书。 |
If you're ever going to create a script that involves users or passwords, which is very likely, you'll probably run across security issues with handling the passwords.
如果你曾经设计过需要使用用户名和密码的脚本,那么你一定考虑过密码的安全问题。 |
If you're ever in Los Angeles, look me up.
如果你到洛杉矶,一定要来看我。 |
If you're ever in Seattle, come and see me.
如果你到西雅图,就来看我。 |
If you're experiencing an unusual number of headaches, sore neck, sore back, or other aches and pains, suffer from insomnia, or are snapping at your co-workers for no reason, it's time for a day off.
如果你经常头痛、脖子酸、或是其它地方酸痛,并伴有失眠,或者你无缘无故地朝着同事发火,那么你就该休息了。 |
If you're extremely sensitive, you might break out in hives, and your eyes or lips might swell severely.
如果你非常容易过敏,你也许会发麻疹,你的眼睛或嘴唇也许会很肿胀。 |
If you're fast enough to spot one, the world's tiniest bird is sure to amaze you!
如果你能把握时机一瞥这种世界上最小的鸟,它绝对会令你惊叹不已! |
If you're going for an extended period of time or if you're planning to drink water you find along the way, bring along a filtering system or iodine water purification tablets.
如果你准备出行较长时间或者你打算在出行途中找到你要饮用的水,请带上过滤系统或是水质净化用碘片。 |
If you're going to Austin, you'll want to see it.
如果你来到奥斯丁,这里你必须去看看。 |