Ink color printers using imported raw materials, scientific formula manufacturers. Colorful and Print smooth and efficient water-resistant, does not plug nozzle. |
中文意思: 供应对应兼容于各品牌彩色喷墨打印机的打印墨水,打印墨水采用进口原料、科学配方制造。色彩艳丽、打印流畅、快干耐水、不堵塞喷头。 |
Injury module revamp - No more physio reportsneeded after injuries as the physio's now come to you. Full feedback on injuries, including various treatment options.
受伤模块的修补-受伤后不再需要“队医报告”了,队医会主动向你报告。受伤的完整反馈,包括多样的治疗选项。 |
Injury should be recompensed with kindness.
伤害应以仁慈来弥补。 |
Injury to the soft tissue lining of these air spaces in the body is an inherent problem in scuba diving because of the changing volumes of gas while descending and ascending.
由于下潜和浮升过程中空气体积的变化,这些体内空间软组织的伤害是水肺潜水固有的问题。 |
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
无论何处的不公正,对于任何地方的公正都是一种威胁. |
Injustice ruledand detestation was supreme.
淫威统治了一切,憎恶达到了极至。 |
Ink color printers using imported raw materials, scientific formula manufacturers. Colorful and Print smooth and efficient water-resistant, does not plug nozzle.
供应对应兼容于各品牌彩色喷墨打印机的打印墨水,打印墨水采用进口原料、科学配方制造。色彩艳丽、打印流畅、快干耐水、不堵塞喷头。 |
Ink jet printing, inspecting and labeling can be finished in one step. No need to inspect manually. The cost on manually inspecting and labor salary can be decreased greatly.
喷码、检测、贴标一次完成,不需要人工检测,节约大量人工检验花费的时间和人工成本。 |
Ink over the desk,when I not care to ram then ink bottle.
我不小心撞翻了墨水瓶,墨水泼了一桌子。 |
Ink roll will auto. disengage from the surface of plate to avoid damage on printing plate on stop of machine.
停车时油墨辘可自行贶离印版表面,不致损坏印版。 |
Ink tank is made of steel stainless, durable and easy to clean.
油墨水槽采用不锈钢材永不锈蚀,容易移动清洗。 |
Inkjet Printing Directly Textile, Vinyl, Wood, Glass, Plastic and more...!!
从纺织品到木材,从玻璃到塑料,甚至更多…都能直接喷墨打印!! |