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Because of their genteel, civilized settings and characters, these stories are also known as cosies.

Because of the wrath of the Lord it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate: every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and hiss at all her plagues. 耶50:13因耶和华的忿怒、必无人居住、要全然荒凉.凡经过巴比伦的、要受惊骇、又因他所遭的灾殃嗤笑。
Because of their bulk these filling cabinets are very difficult to move. 这些文件柜形体巨大,要移动十分困难。
Because of their courage and persistence for many years, we can, today, even set the dates when all humanity will join together to celebrate one of the outstanding human victories of our century. 正是由于他们许多年来勇敢和坚持不懈的斗争,我们今天才能够期望有这么一天全人类共同庆祝本世纪人类的一大胜利。
Because of their degree, they refused to do what they think is lowwork; and in fact, physical labor is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. 由于学历高,他们拒绝去做那些他们认为是低贱的工作;事实上,在这些国家,动手的体力活儿被看作是肮脏、丢脸的工作。
Because of their energy and high spirits, they are born to pull the wagon, and they enjoy dashing through the fields. 由于牠们总是充满活力和精神奕奕,天生就是适合来拉车,牠们也享受奔驰在原野的感觉。
Because of their genteel, civilized settings and characters, these stories are also known as cosies. 由于这类小说的上层社会、文明的背景和角色,它们也被称为“舒适推理小说”。
Because of their great application potentials in biomedicine, magnetic nanoparticles have got great and wide attention in the fields of nanomaterials and nanobiology. 摘要磁性纳米颗粒因其潜在的生物医学应用价值而成为纳米生物材料领域研究的前沿。
Because of their inability to move large volumes of air, they are limited to reproducing only very high frequencies, and are therefore used only as tweeters. 由于等离子喇叭不能推动大量的的空气,只适用于非常高的频率声音重放,因而只能当高音喇叭。
Because of their incapacity to accept the eight-fold worldly conditions. 因为他们无法接受人世间那八层波动的现象。
Because of their incredibly low price ,it is now possible to use only a small fraction of the computer's capability in a particular system application and still be far ahead financially of any other way of getting the job done. 因为它们价格非常低,所以可能在一个特定系统的应用中,只用了计算机的一小部分性能,就仍然比其他方法做这项工作经济上更为划算。
Because of their inertia, the electrons will overshoot and oscillate around their equilibrium positions with a characteristic frequency known as the plasma frequency. 因为电子的惯性,它们将冲过平衡位置,并以特征频率围绕它们的平衡位置振荡。

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