Publicize and consult in all kinds of local tax laws and regulations on foreign enterprises, servicing for the taxpaying.
(五)负责本县涉外地方税收的税法宣传、税收政策咨询和纳税服务工作。 |
Publicize the Top School, introduce and recommend more and more new students to learn at Top.
对外宣传拓普、介绍、推荐较多新学员来拓普学习。 |
Publicize the match: take charge of the poster facture and handbill distribution. Considering the lasting time span of this match, principal should dispose the lasting publicizing work.
大赛宣传:负责本次活动的海报制作、传单发放工作。考虑到此次比赛的持续时间跨度较长,需要进行如何持续宣传力度的工作部署。 |
Publicized on the website are roughly 50,000 pieces of works with updates and additions on daily basis.? A large number of well-known designers display their works on the website for continuous exhibition and boundless design communication.? A great many
大量的设计名师在深圳室内设计网上开办网上展厅,进行永不落幕的作品展示和无国界的设计交流,大量设计师通过在深圳室内设计网进行宣传直接带来庞大的设计业绩。 |
Publish a notice to clubs of challenging candidates to selected governor-nominee, if appropriate.
如果适宜的话,发布一份对所选出的总监提名人提出挑战候选人的扶轮社的公告。 |
Publish the name and club of the selected governor-nominee by 10 October and announce 25 October as the deadline for receipt by the governor of challenges.
在10月10日以前公布合格的总监提名人的姓名及扶轮社,并宣布10月25日为接受总监挑战截止的日期。 |
Published articles, as well as reviews that incorporate them, may therefore be unreliable and overestimate the benefits of an intervention.
公开发表的科学试验的结论,也由于受到某些利益因素的影响而做出过高的评价。 |
Published in 1987, this work examines in minute detail the life of a man in a small village.
本书在1987年出版,该书检视了小村庄里一个男人的一生。 |
Published in Le Devoir, crafted with well-meaning realism, the celebrated separatist authors advise the Parti Québécois to change its plans to hold a referendum on sovereignty as soon as possible if it is elected.
这份发表在法文报纸“责任报”上、由多个支持魁独的名人联名发表的声明,以十分现实主义的态度建议魁人党:如果该党在下届省选中获胜,应该立即改变其再次举行独立公投的计划。 |
Published in the September 28, 2006 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the international team of investigators report that the Edmonton Protocol for islet transplantation can safely and successfully promote long-term stabilization of blood suga
国际研究小组的研究发表于2006年9月28日新英格兰杂志,他们认为关于胰岛移植的埃德蒙顿原则,能够安全、成功地促进脆性糖尿病患者血糖的长期稳定,并且能使某些患者摆脱胰岛素注射2年以上。 |
Published monthly by the Institute of Food Technologists, this issue's cover story reviews recent food science, nutrition and metabolic research and translates it into food and ingredient combinations that could possibly lead to a reduction in consumers'
在食品工艺协会每月发布的杂志上,这个观点综合了最近食品科学、营养学和代谢方面的研究,并将之转化成新的食品和配料,使消费者不但吃了后会有饱的感觉还同时减少他们对卡路里的摄入和吸收。 |