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Financial instability hypothesis differs from the mainstream economics in the aspects of whether capitalist economies rely on exogenous or endogenous shocks to generate business cycle and whether it is right for governments to interfere in economic activi

Financial extremes reminds us that when things are in excess it's time to tuck away for when the times are lean. 经济的极端压力提醒我们当事情处于极端过分的时候,就该为此紧缩时间了。
Financial firms cluster in London because they derive external economies of scale. 在伦敦的金融机构受益于彼此产生的规模效应。
Financial futures prices suggest investors expect the central bankers to cut their policy rate by 0.75%, to 4.5%, by the end of the year. 金融期货价格表明投资人期望中央银行到今年年底将政策利率削减0.75%,降至4.5%。
Financial globalization also forces central banks to synchronize their tightening. 这也就逼着各国央行在制定政策时必须与其他央行保持协调。
Financial innovation and deregulation have both helped these trends and aided international flows of credit. 此外,还得益于金融创新和管制放松,使这一趋势更明显,也促进了国际间的信贷流动。
Financial instability hypothesis differs from the mainstream economics in the aspects of whether capitalist economies rely on exogenous or endogenous shocks to generate business cycle and whether it is right for governments to interfere in economic activi 在经济波动的内生与外生方面、政府是否应干预经济方面、金融与经济周期的关系方面,金融不稳定假说与主流经济学存在着不同的观点。
Financial institutions handling foreign exchange businesses shall report balance sheets, statements of losses and gains, and other financial statements and data to the foreign exchange management administration. 经营外汇业务的金融机构应当向外汇管理机关报送外汇资产负债表、损益表以及其他财务会计报表和资料。
Financial institutions in these two countries adopted more conservative lending policies, curtailing financing of higher-risk projects such as commercial construction and highly leveraged corporate transaction. 这两个国家在财政制度上采取了比较保守的借贷政策,削减了对商业建筑这类高风险的财政项目和对公司依靠大量借贷进行交易的融资。
Financial institutions shall reasonably down pass the power and authority in approving loans for small-sized enterprises, simplify the process of approving loans and improve the efficiency in approving loans, subject to the precondition of controlling ris (十)金融机构要在控制风险的前提下,合理下放对小企业贷款的审批权限,简化审贷程序,提高贷款审批效率。
Financial institutions shall, based on the features of financial institutions, innovate in approaches to cooperate with guarantee agencies, expand the cooperation areas, actively develop innovative financial products and introduce more financial products (九)金融机构要针对中小企业的特点,创新与担保机构的合作方式,拓展合作领域,积极开展金融产品创新,推出更多适合中小企业多样化融资需求的金融产品和服务项目。
Financial institutions that originate loans -- including banks, credit card providers, auto finance companies and consumer finance companies -- turn their loans into marketable securities through a process known as securitization2. 持有初始贷款的金融机构一一包括银行、信用卡供应商、汽车融资公司和消费融资公司一一通过一种被称为“证券化’”的过程,将它们的贷款转化为可以在市场上交易的证券。

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