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1 What's the hold up? Accident up ahead, probably all rubber-necking.

1 We usually write abbreviations without full stops in British English. 英式英语,缩写字后方,不用加一点.
1 What day is it today /tomorrow? 今天是星期几?/明天是星期几?
1 What do you usually take for breakfast? 你通常在早餐时吃些什么?
1 What matters is what we focus on. 关注那些真正重要的事。
1 What should you do when the flag is raising? 参加升旗仪式时应该怎么做?
1 What's the hold up? Accident up ahead, probably all rubber-necking. 怎么就堵上了呢?前面发生事故了,大概都在看热闹吧。
1 When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle. It makes the neighbor's dog that barks all the time run to the end of his chain and gag himself. 当我沮丧时,我喜欢吹口哨。它使隔壁邻居家的狗狗一直叫,一直跑来跑去,然后被自己的链子给勒住。
1 When an applicant has decided to enrol on a course offered by the Institute , a deposit or other payment must be paid to reserve a place on the course as specified for that course by the institute. 如申请人决定就读学院提供的课程,须按照学院对于相应课程的要求,支付一定数额的押金或其他形式的款项,以便学院为其预留学额。
1 When flanges are integral with fittings or valves, holes for bolts are drilled to straddle the center line. 1如果法兰与连接件或阀门构成一个整体,则螺栓孔钻在圆心线两侧。
1 Whenever we visit a terminally ill patient, we cannot help being struck by his eagerness to know the truth about his condition. 每当我们去探视一名患有不治之症的病人时,我们不禁为他那种急切想知道自己的真实病情的表情所震动。
1 Where changes at the worksite present a hazard about which any employee has not been previously trained. 因工作场所变化导致脚手架存在危险,而员工以前均未接受过此类培训。

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