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Over the long range, the most important step will be a general tax reform.

Over the length of the Buffett partnership between 1957 and 1969, Buffett's investments grew at a compound annual rate of 29.5%, crushing the Dow's return of 7.4% over the same period. 在巴菲特倡导的合伙投资模式下,从1957到1969年间,巴菲特的投资以每年29.5%的综合速度增长,大大挫败了道琼斯在同一时期7.4%的回报率。
Over the life of the mold, corrosion in the cooling channels decreases cooling efficiency thus degrading part quality and increasing cycle time. 超过模具生命的,冷却系统的腐蚀降低了冷却的效率,因此会降低产品的质量并且增加成型时间。
Over the long haul, it's important for your future to have a college degree. 从长远来看,大学毕业对你将来在事业上的发展是很重要的。
Over the long range, the most important thing for us to do is a general reform. 5从长远来看,我们应做的最重要的事情是实行全面的改革.
Over the long range, the most important thing for us to do is a general. 从张远来看,我们应做的最重要的事情是实行全面的改革。
Over the long range, the most important step will be a general tax reform. 从长远看,最重要的步骤是全面实行税制改革。
Over the long term, our country must more energetically cultivate competence of medical and public health experts in international affairs; for only through substantive cooperation can we effectively promote interaction with international medical and heal 长期而言,我国须加紧培养国际医疗卫生人才,唯透过实质合作,才能有效促进国际医疗卫生团体之互动,达成以合作促进友谊,以互利换取支持之目标。
Over the mid term, the manager will develop an assessment system for certifying suppliers based on suppliers' quality systems, suppliers' past quality performance, suppliers' physical testing lab capabilities, and difficulty or “newness” of the sourced pr 在中期,此经理将开发出一验证供应商的评估体系,此评估体系基于供应商的质量体系、供应商的历史品质表现、供应商的实验室物理性能测试能力以及所搜寻到的供应商系统的困难及“新进展”之上。
Over the month, the MSCI Far East ex-Japan Index was 6.8% higher. 在5月,摩根士丹利资本国际远东(日本除外)指数增长了6.8%。
Over the next 100 years Yorkshire Asia Pacific Limited will continue to offer the high level of service and innovation that our customers have become accustomed to. 约克夏亚洲太平洋有限公司将传承约克夏集团的百年优良传统,继续致力于为我们的客户提供最好的产品与服务,实现约克夏与客户的共同发展!
Over the next 12 months we will continue to see the growth of online car hire bookings, package holidays, dynamic packaging and further development of more specialist online sectors such as trains, cruises and ferries. 在未来的12一个月里面,我们将会继续看到在线汽车租赁,假日组合服务,实时动态行程组合和诸如火车、游轮和轮渡等更加特殊专门化的在线服务预定的成长。

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