execution of bilateral agreements with 9 countries to endorse administrative protection measures; |
中文意思: 我国还先后与美国、欧盟国等9个国家签订了关于药品行政保护的双边协议,建立了药品行政保护制度。 |
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epidermidis(Winslow et Winshlow) Evans,Escherichia coli(Migula) Castellani et Chalmers,etc. reached to 0.08-.7 and 0.-.9 mg·mL~(-) respectively,which showed strong effects of antibacterial activity,and that of pinocembrin and alpinetin against S.aureus,S.
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erector spinae arrive at .%.
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et sp. nov., L. exiguus gen.
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ex Redouté. ,P. verticillatum(Linn.)
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excelsa was .8 times of pure B.alnoides( m× m×7 m initial spacing) in years old stands(7. 7 vs.9.978 9 m~ ·hm~(-)),and mixed B.alnoides×P.
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execution of bilateral agreements with 9 countries to endorse administrative protection measures;
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extubate ratio: the group of nasal trachea cannula .%, the group of oral trachea cannula .%(P<0.0);
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f. OTC system is halting.
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fabacea had relatively smooth seed surface; T.
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factors of body weigh (OR=. 8,P<0.00),FSH (OR=.7 ,P<0.0),LH (OR=. ,P<0.0) and serum leptin (OR=. ,P<0.00) are the independence influencing factors on the puberty development of schoolgirls.
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faecalis, strains were E. durans and strain was the s E. aviumand and E.
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