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Flight training pilot license, flight training night rating, flight training IMC rating, flight training multi-engine rating, flight training seaplane rating, flight training mountain flying, flight training helicopter, aircraft hire, aircraft charter, pl

Flight personnel shall also take part in periodical training of emergency procedures. 空勤人员还应当参加定期的紧急程序训练。
Flight personnel who have exceeded the time limit of interruption in flight prescribed by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council shall be subject to inspection and examination; with the exception of cabin attendants, flight personn 空勤人员间断飞行的时间超过国务院民用航空主管部门规定时限的,应当经过检查和考核;乘务员以外的空勤人员还应当经过带飞。
Flight service station (FSS) - The FSS provides information (weather, route, terrain, flight plan) for private pilots flying into and out of small airports and rural areas. 航空服务电台(FSS)--为飞往小机场及野外的飞行员提供包括航线,天气,地形的信息及飞行计划。
Flight times have drastically decreased due to advanced technology since the last time you flew. 科技进步使得飞行所需时间较你们上一次出行时已经大幅缩短。
Flight training devices (FTDs) and full flight simulators (FFSs) for fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing aircraft. 用于固定翼飞机和直升机训练的飞行模拟装置和模拟机。
Flight training pilot license, flight training night rating, flight training IMC rating, flight training multi-engine rating, flight training seaplane rating, flight training mountain flying, flight training helicopter, aircraft hire, aircraft charter, pl 飞行员取得执照的飞行培训,提供夜间培训、IMC核定分级、多发动机培训、水上飞机培训、山间飞行培训、直升机培训及包机培训等。
Flight was his only resource. 他唯一的生路就是逃跑。
Flights between Daiwan and Hong Kong and Fukuoka, Japan have been canceled. 台员飞香港及日本福冈耶班机几落班拢取消啊。
Flights have been dislocated by thefog. 大雾将飞机的班次搅乱了.
Flights must be flown in realtime mode (1x sim rate. No accelerated mode allowed). Concorde or other supersonic a/c are also forbidden ! 飞行过程必须遵循真实情况(禁止开倍速飞行),协和等其它超音速机型被列为禁止使用机型!
Flinders Street Station is not merely the hub of Melbourne's efficient suburban railway network, but is a landmark and meeting place. Inset: A famous Melbourne tram. 弗林德斯街站不只是墨尔本高效的市郊铁路网的枢纽,还是地标和集会场所。插图:著名的墨尔本有轨电车。

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