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Cold War: In Geneva, representatives from the United States and the Soviet Union begin to negotiate intermediate-range nuclear weapon reductions in Europe (the meetings ended inconclusively on December 17).

Cold November rains drenched the earth and lent everything the gloomy air of a Flemish landscape: the ground crew ran gear, a flag atop a squat airport building, a BMW billboard. 11月砭人肌肤的冷雨将大地涂得一片阴沉,使得身披雨衣的地勤工、呆然垂向地面的候机楼上的旗,以及BMW广告板等的一切的一切,看上去竟同佛兰德派抑郁画幅的背景一般。
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings and Courses. The flagship of this program is the annual Symposium on Quantitative Biology. 冷泉港实验室会议与课程这个计划的最重要活动是计量生物学年会。
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has research programs focusing on cancer, neurobiology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and a broad educational mission. 冷泉港实验室有专注于癌症、神经生物学、植物基因学、基因组学和生物信息学,和广泛教育任务的研究计划。
Cold War enmities die hard and the mysterious murder in London of Alexander Litvinenko, the former KGB spy killed by polonium 210, revived the specter of Russian authoritarianism and foul play. 冷战时期延续下来的仇恨依然存在,在伦敦前俄罗斯国家安全局特务亚历山大利特维年科在伦敦被钋210毒杀的事件表明,俄罗斯内部权力主义和违反规则做法的幽灵依旧存在。
Cold War: Antarctic Treaty signed , which sets aside Antarctica as a scientific preserve and bans military activity on that continent. 1959年,冷战期间:南极公约的签署,将南极大陆划为科学研究基地,并禁止在此大陆上进行任何军事行为。
Cold War: In Geneva, representatives from the United States and the Soviet Union begin to negotiate intermediate-range nuclear weapon reductions in Europe (the meetings ended inconclusively on December 17). 1981年冷战期间:来自美国和苏联的代表在日内瓦开始就在欧洲减少核武器数量的问题进行了中等范围内的磋商(会谈于12月17日结束,没有达成任何协议)。
Cold War: Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru appeals to the United States and the Soviet Union to end nuclear testing and to start nuclear disarmament, stating that such an action would save humanity from the ultimate disaster. 1946年,冷战期间:印度总理贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁呼吁美国和苏联结束核试验,开始核裁军,以将人类从最终的灭亡中解救出来。
Cold War: Negotiators from the Soviet Union and the United States meet in Helsinki to begin SALT I negotiations aimed at limiting the number of strategic weapons on both sides. 1969年的今天,处于冷战中的苏联与美国在芬兰的首都赫尔辛基,就第一阶段限制战略性武器会谈进行了协商,目标是削减双方战略性武器的数量。
Cold War: Ukrainian voters overwhelmingly approve a referendum for independence from the Soviet Union. 1991年冷战期间:乌克兰以压倒性多数同意了从苏联独立出来的公民投票。
Cold War: Velvet Revolution - In the face of protests, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia announces they will give up their monopoly on political power. 1989年冷战期间:天鹅绒(与武装暴力革命相反的)革命——面对抗议,捷克斯洛伐克*宣布他们将放弃在政权上的垄断。
Cold air is frequent in March and April in northern China and it brings gales and sand storms to the areas. 三四月份的中国北部冷空气活动频繁。它给该地区带来了大风和沙尘暴。

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