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Every thought I have imprisoned in expression I must free by my deeds.

Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine. 14以色列中一切永献的都必归与你。
Every thing has its solution, if and only if you can be farseeing. 每个问题都有其解决之道,只要你把目光放得远一点!
Every thing she does is motivated only by a desire for money. 她做一切事情的动机都是为了钱。
Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring unto the Lord, whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem. 民18:15他们所有奉给耶和华的、连人带牲畜、凡头生的都要归给你.只是人头生的、总要赎出来、不洁净牲畜头生的、也要赎出来。
Every thing went right for me. 所有事情对我来说都很好。
Every thought I have imprisoned in expression I must free by my deeds. 我必须以行动来释放被我禁锢而无法表达的每一个思想。
Every thought has a particular vibration. 每一个想法都有特别的振动。
Every thought in one way or another is constructed by you in physical terms. 每一个思想都被你以这样或那样的方式建造成物质形式。
Every three days he comes to see the old man. 他每三天去看老人一次。
Every three days we will have a big game and I said to my players just before the training session, we have now Tottenham, Valencia and Blackburn. “我们每三天将会有一场重大的比赛,而我在操练课前对我的球员们说,我们现在的对手有托特纳姆、瓦伦西亚和布莱克本。”
Every thursday the transfer of the week are summed up and added to last week's expenses. 每个星期四移送一周总结加上上周的开支.

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