Yet few laymen realise that scientists first fused cells from different species as far back as the 1960s, as Ms Landecker describes.
然而就像兰蒂克女士所述,很少有门外汉知道早在20世纪60年代就有科学家首次将不同物种的细胞融合在一起。 |
Yet few of the main central banks in emerging economiesenjoy full legal independence, and thus often face pressure frompoliticians to hold interest rates low to boost growth and jobs.
但是那些新兴经济的中央银行中仅有少数几个在法律上是完全独立的,所以常常受到政客压力,保持低息以刺激经济及就业增长。 |
Yet few people are actually watching superclear high-definition programming.
但是很少有人能看得到真正的高清节目。 |
Yet firms like Mr Zhang's are inscrutable and transient, with no brand or reputation to speak of.
由于没有自己的品牌和形象,像张这种公司注定无法长远的发展。 |
Yet fish farms might not all be able to meet them either.
然而,渔业可能无法全部满足。 |
Yet for China Railcom, there is still a long way to go to reach a new plateau.
开创各项工作新局面,铸造中国铁通新辉煌,中国铁通的路还很长。 |
Yet for all our animosity you never judged me by father's deeds.
刚多不能没有他,我也不能没有他。” |
Yet for all that promise, biotech is far from being the whole answer.
尽管具有这么多潜力,生物技术还远远不能解决全部问题。 |
Yet for all the talk of a forthcoming technological utopia little attention has been given to the implications of these developments for the poor.
然而,尽管人们正在大谈特谈即将到来的令人神往的科技王国,却很少有人意识到这些技术发展中国家意味着什么。 |
Yet for company employees this is not an option, no matter how staggeringly daft the course.
不过对企业员工来说,这却不是一条可取之道,不论这课程傻到了什么程度。 |
Yet for me, even though my new roommate was very helpful, I still felt disoriented.
但是虽然同屋人很好,很帮忙,还是有一种很深的失去了自己的位置的感觉。 |