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Last week, Manila airport authorities arrested a Filipino man trying to smuggle three live Siamese crocodiles from Cambodia.

Last week, Charlton manager Alan Pardew said he would not prevent Young from leaving The Valley should a Premiership club come calling. 上周,查尔顿主帅帕德表示,只要有英超俱乐部的召唤,他将不会阻拦杨离开山谷球场。
Last week, Dana Reeve died of lung cancer at the age of forty-four. 上周,44岁的戴娜·里维因肺癌而过世。
Last week, Fox decided not to renew “1/2 Hour News Hour,” the network's answer to left-wing news parodies, saying it was too expensive to produce. 上星期,福斯决定不要更新1/2小时新闻小时,网络左派的新闻打油诗文的答案,叙述生产是太贵而无法。
Last week, India's wholesale inflation index rose to 8.33 per cent its highest rate in years, driven partly by the rising cost of commodity imports, including oil. 上周,印度的批发物价指数升至8.33%,为几年来的新高,部分是受到包括石油在内的进口大宗商品成本升高的推动。
Last week, Interstate Bakeries, the makers of Wonder Bread, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. 上周,“奇迹面包”的制造商州际面包公司根据破产法第十一章提出了破产保护申请。
Last week, Manila airport authorities arrested a Filipino man trying to smuggle three live Siamese crocodiles from Cambodia. 上周,马尼拉机场管理当局还逮捕了一名菲律宾男子,此人试图将3条活的暹罗鳄鱼从柬埔寨走私到菲律宾。
Last week, Mrs Duyser told reporters she noticed the image burned into her sandwich as she was about to tuck into it in autumn 1994. 上周,德伊瑟女士告诉记者说,1994年秋天,当她正要大口吃掉这块三明治时,她发现(圣母玛利亚的)肖像已经“烙”在了三明治上。
Last week, Peter Kenyon said that the chances of signing Andriy Shevchenko were ‘50/50’. 上周,肯扬说引进舍瓦的机会是50%。
Last week, a Chinese court handed down a death sentence against Zheng Xiaoyu, the head of the Food and Drug Administration in China from 1998 to 2005, after he pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption charges. 一个中国法庭宣判郑筱萸死刑,此人曾在1998年到2005年期间担任中国食品药品监督管理局的局长,离职后被贪污、受贿等罪行起诉。
Last week, a U.S. pre advocacy group said 89 journalists have been killed in Iraq since the U.S. - led invasion in March 2003. 上星期,一个美国记者权益组织说,自从以美国为首的联军在2003年3月进入伊拉克以来已经有89名记者被打死。
Last week, a U.S. press advocacy group said 89 journalists have been killed in Iraq since the U.S. - led invasion in March 2003. 上星期,一个美国记者权益组织说,自从以美国为首的联军在2003年3月进入伊拉克以来已经有89名记者被打死。

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