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GT-7 cells were incubated with galanin at a cohort of concentrations for different time points and GnRH released in the supernatant was determined by RIA.
将不同浓度的甘丙肽以不同时间与GT- 7细胞孵育 ,用RIA法测定细胞上清液中GnRH含量。

ERKs activity was determined by Whatman Paper Filter method; 用滤纸法测定ERKs活性 ;
Eight cases (.7%) had side effects which were intersected partially: poor appetite in cases (.7%), low fever in cases (0%), sleepy in cases (.7%), and multi-moving and exiting in cases (.7%). 低热为 例 (0 % ) ; 嗜睡、困倦 例 ( .7% ) ;
Exploration of Ullmann reaction catalyzed by L-Proline and CuI. 探索了L-Proline-CuI 共催化的Ullmann 反应。
For M. leprae α antigen, μg/ml was the most appropriate coating concentration; 重组α融合蛋白的最适包被浓度为 μg/ml;
For the blue pigment painted on the Northern-sung blue-and-white ware excava-ted in Chekiang province, the MnO/CoO and Fe_O_ /CoO ratios are 0. and 0. respecti-vely, these values quite near those of the native cobalt ores. 画在北宋浙江省发掘的青花瓷器上的青花色料的MnO/CoO比和Fe_O_ /CoO比分别为0.和0.。
GT-7 cells were incubated with galanin at a cohort of concentrations for different time points and GnRH released in the supernatant was determined by RIA. 将不同浓度的甘丙肽以不同时间与GT- 7细胞孵育 ,用RIA法测定细胞上清液中GnRH含量。
In the cohorts of both low/median and high exposure levels of AFB, GSTM-null genotype was associated with a conspicuous significantly increased risk for HCC [adjusted OR (9% CI) = .9 (0.9-.00) and .80 (0.77-.7)]. 在AFB暴露中低度与高度两个层次, GSTM基因多态性均增加HCC危险性,其校正OR(9%CI)分别为.9(0.9-.00)和.80(0.77- .7)。
In the same site, the average species similarity was 0.8 between semiquantitative and quantitative samples, higher than those in the lotic habitat (0.) and the lentic habitat (0.); 同一样点半定量样(踢网加D形网)与定量样之间的物种相似性(平均为0.8)高于急流生境(0.)和静水-缓流生境(0.).
Instrumentation:Trepan (Φ= .mm) manufactured by the Mitsubishi Corporation. 手术器械:环锯Φ= .mm为日本三菱公司生产。
RGC from the retinae of unlabeled neonatal rats were cultured in vitro. After labeled with Fura- methyl acetate, an intracellular calcium indicator, the effect of BzATP, NMDA and adenosine on intracellular Ca+ level was detected by Ca+ imaging system. 体外培养未经荧光金标记的新生大鼠RGC,以0μmol/L钙离子(Ca+)荧光染料Fura-乙酸甲酯(Fura-Am)标记后,利用Ca+影像测定仪分别测定BzATP、NMDA和腺苷对RGC内Ca+浓度的影响。
Roots of haploid seedlings were soaked for h, h, 8 h, using .0mmol/L Colchicines and 0μmol/L Oryzalin sulutions with % dimethyl surtoxide (DMSO) respectively; 以添加%的二甲基亚砜(DMSO)的.0mmol/L的秋水仙碱、0μmol/L Oryzalin溶液分别设置h、h、8h处理;

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