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Although the highest-goodness was the foundation of the conscience claimed by the ideologists in the middle Ming Dynasty, the philosophical proposition, that human-desire is the foundation of natural-principles and the criterion of good and evil should be

Although the gains provide a psychological boost, analysts say the index of major stocks is a narrow gauge of the stock market. 尽管升幅给了投资者很大的心理驱动力,但是分析家说几个主要的股票指数只是对股票市场的有限评估。
Although the game ended 3-1 in Turin, Genoa had call for complaint in the opening minutes when Mirco Gasparetto had a goal disallowed for a debatable offside position. 虽然在都灵以3:1的比分结束,热那亚队还是觉得很委屈,米尔科·加斯帕雷托在开赛初段的一个进球因为越位在先被判无效。
Although the government had put a lot of effort to work on the problems, many of them still leave unsolved. 本文就我国农村义务教育现状及存在的问题展开讨论。
Although the government has not given a forecast of the casino's economic benefits, independent analysts estimate it could add S$500m ($302m, €235m, £159m) to gross domestic product and create 13,000 jobs. 虽然政府并没有对赌博业带来的经济利益进行预测,但独立分析师估计,它可能会为新加坡的国内生产总值增加5亿新元(合3.02亿美元),创造1.3万个就业机会。
Although the government is making modern improvements for visitors, it's being careful not to destroy the original appearance of the warehouse that turned into a tree house. 虽然政府为了观光客做了不少现代化的改建,但他们也小心翼翼不去毁坏树屋的原貌。
Although the highest-goodness was the foundation of the conscience claimed by the ideologists in the middle Ming Dynasty, the philosophical proposition, that human-desire is the foundation of natural-principles and the criterion of good and evil should be 明中叶思想家所倡导的良知,虽仍然以潜隐的至善为根本,但由心到身的过渡必然引入以人欲为理之基础、以真假代替善恶的哲学命题。
Although the holiday does not have religious origin, many churches hold “Watch Night” services on New Year's Eve. 虽然新年节日并不源于宗教,但许多教堂也在除夕举行守岁仪式。
Although the household survey was carried out by a polling organization, rather than by epidemiological researchers operating under the discipline of scientific peer review, it has again raised the specter that the 2003 invasion of Iraq has caused a far m 尽管该调查没有采取流行病学研究领域的同行评议形式,而是由民调机构入户调查,但调查结果再次引起恐惧:开始于2003年的伊拉克战争所造成的死亡人数已远远超过英美两国及伊拉克卫生部公认的官方统计数据。
Although the huge majority of Americans are peace-loving and non-violent, most Americans today admit that they may possible be mugged some time in their life. 尽管绝大部分的美国人热爱和平、反对暴力,然而今天,大部分的美国人却承认在他们的生活中,很有可能某个时候就会被打死。
Although the ideas expressed above might be well intentioned, the results don't serve to create self-responsible, thinking, caring, children. Let's take a closer look at tattling. 虽然上面的这些点子,或许动机是好的。但其结果却无法使学生能成为自我负责、能思考的、能关心别人的孩子。让我们进一步观察滥告状的行为。
Although the identities of state, polity and ethnicity have their different border, they contact closely under the condition of the nation whole benefit exceeds individual. 这种变化主要表现在他们国籍选择上,国籍选定成为港澳居民国家认同和政治认同的重要标志。

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