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We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.

We love,not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. 我们热爱生活并不是因为我们习惯于生活而是习惯于热爱。
We made Tom monitor instead of her. 我们选汤姆代替她当班长。
We made Tom our monitor. 我们选汤姆为我们的班长。
We made a bonfire of dead leaves in the garden. 我们在花园里点燃火堆把枯叶烧掉.
We made a comparison of the two articles. 我们把这两篇文章作了比较。
We made a contribution to the famine relief fund. 我们捐献给饥荒救济基金。
We made a journey from Paris to Berlin. 我们从巴黎到柏林旅行了一圈。
We made a just assessment of the situation. 我们对形势作了正确的估价。
We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. 在海上航行三周後的一个黄昏, 我们看到了陆地.
We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. 在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地.
We made a present of a vase to him. 我们将一个花瓶赠送给他。

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