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The self-denomination of Zhuang nationality, in their own dialect, should be Doj nationality, which means elephant nationality.

The self-belittling person must grow in self-respect before God will say“Go”. 自卑的人必须学会自尊,上帝才能使用他。
The self-confidence bought with unyielding efforts is of endless benefit to one's whole life. 通过不懈努力换来的自信心可以使人受益终生。
The self-confidence foundation comes from grasping the opportunity and depends on oneself even more. 自信的基石,源于对机会的把握,更有赖于自己。
The self-constituted learning means that university students have rights and abilities to govern their own learning. 摘要自主学习是指大学生个人对于自己的学习活动具有支配、控制的权利和能力。
The self-correcting cards make the kids to have self-correction. 只要简单地将图示时间及数字时间卡配对起来即可。
The self-denomination of Zhuang nationality, in their own dialect, should be Doj nationality, which means elephant nationality. 壮族的民族自称按壮语的表达习惯应为“陀族”。
The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual was considerable. 这就要求我比平时早11分钟把自己从床上拽起来,这种自我约束是很艰苦的。
The self-esteem of the selected candidates was immediately tickled. 这立即激起了被挑选的候选人的自尊心。
The self-importance of a superior is inversely proportional to his position in the hierarchy (as is his deviousness and mischievousness). 对一个长官来说﹐他自大的程度﹐一如他误解与犯错的程度﹐和他的官阶成反比。
The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true appreciation of the music is an arcane process(that) closed to the uninitiated listener, however enthusiastic. 音乐学家们标记在唱片封套上的自以为重要的行话显示出对于音乐的真正理解是一个对于为入门者关闭的神秘过程,而不论这个入门者有多大的热情。
The self-limiting outbreaks of human H5N1 influenza seen so far bumped the alert level up to phase three, two steps removed from outright pandemic (phase six). 到今年底,人类的H5N1病毒能力还不足以散播,警示层级只到第三阶段,距离真正的全球大流行(第六阶段)还差两步。

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