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That‘s unreasonable! I‘d take it for (100¥.

Thatmakes it possible, for instance, to establish whether the cancer inthis tissue has spread to lymph nodes elsewhere in the body. 例如,利用这个技术,就可以检测相应肿瘤在体内是否扩散到我们取材的这块组织或其它的淋巴结。
Thats the best way to solve the problem. 这是解决这个问题的最好办法。
Thats why I do not like you! 那就是为什么我不喜欢你!
Thats why my nickname is FATBOY. 那就是为什么我外号叫胖子的的原因。
Thattheory was tested on a third group of data—records kept by the UnitedNations from 1950 to 2003 of the fish and invertebrates caught in largeexpanses of the ocean all around the world. 通过第三组数据——由联合国保存的从1950年至2003年世界范围内海洋鱼类和无脊椎动物大规模捕捞的记录——他们对所提出的理论进行了验证。
That‘s unreasonable! I‘d take it for (100¥. 这真是卖得太贵了!如果(一百块)我就买。
That’s a bunch of hogwash. 那全是一堆废话。
That’s a different kettle of fish. 那是另一回事。
That’s a far-out design. 那是个新颖的设计。
That’s a fine fettle of fish! 那可不好办!
That’s a rude way to speak. 那样说话不礼貌/粗鲁。

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