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With reference to the practice in actual work, the paper gives an introduction to some of the preparatory work relevant to the field management of mechanical construction and issues concerning the coordination at planning stage and operation of mechanical

With reference to the cantilever erection of the continuous steel box girder of Zhuanxing Road Overhead Bridge crossing Shenfengjin Expressway in Shanghai, this paper mainly describes the application of PLC-controlled hydraulic sync jack-up system to the 摘要结合上海莘奉金高速公路颛兴路跨线连续钢箱梁悬臂架设施工,重点阐述了PLC控制液压同步顶升系统在钢箱梁“对称悬拼,跨中合龙”中的应用及操作控制要点、技术要求。
With reference to the hydrologic data and geologic conditions of the Changjiang River over the years, this paper analyzes the features of and key technical problems to be resolved in the construction of in-water pier foundations in the north river branch 摘要根据长江历年水文资料、地质情况,分析了天兴洲长江大桥北汊水中墩基础施工的工程特点和要解决的关键技术,介绍了施工组织的原则制定和实施过程、各墩位平台及围堰的方案比选,总结了该桥深水钢围堰的施工方法。
With reference to the international trend of general project contract, on the basis of current situation of landscape project contracting, landscape design and material supply in China, and with successful cases, the prospect of general contracting of lan 借鉴国际工程总承包的发展趋势,根据我国园林绿化工程承包、园林设计及材料供应的现实情况,运用成功案例,对照存在问题,揭示我国园林景观总承包的前景及行业创新的出路。
With reference to the policy gap and the blind spot in understanding, as well as to the manifold weakness of little girls and young women, this essay concludes with some policy-related suggestions on preventing human trafficking with labor exploitation(in 本文针对既往在人口拐卖问题上的政策空白和认识盲区,结合对女童和女青年的多重脆弱性的分析,提出综合性的防止以劳动剥削(包括性剥削)为目的的拐卖的政策建议。
With reference to the practical design of a bridge, the stability and ultimate carrying capacity of the elevated pile caps of the bridge are computed by numerical method known as elasto-plastic finite element analysis. 结合某桥设计实践,按弹塑性有限元方法,对高桩承台的稳定性进行了分析,解算了结构的极限承载力。
With reference to the practice in actual work, the paper gives an introduction to some of the preparatory work relevant to the field management of mechanical construction and issues concerning the coordination at planning stage and operation of mechanical 结合工作实践,介绍了机械施工现场各项准备工作,以及机械施工计划协调、机械施工组织调度等现场管理工作应注意的问题。
With reference to the relevant data of the construction catwalks once used for the completed suspension bridges, this paper gives a few comments on the problems having occurred and some of the experiences of wind resistance in the utilization of the catwa 摘要在参阅已建成的悬索桥施工猫道资料的基础上,就猫道在使用过程中出现的问题及抗风方面的一些经验谈几点意见。
With reference to the required multilanes and heavy load carrying capacity of the 3rd Macau-Taipa Bridge, Macau, and the restricted conditions of construction of the Bridge over sea, this paper demonstrates how the design engineers work out the conceptual 摘要结合澳门澳氹三桥要求多车道、重荷载的工程特点和海上施工诸多条件受限制等实际情况,阐述工程设计师如何构思国际上第一座预应力混凝土双层双主梁斜拉桥的概念设计以及如何处理土木工程设计中交通功能与建筑艺术的和谐统一问题,最终达到通过设计创新使复杂工程简单化的追求目标。
With reference to the sale of Saab Airborne Surveillance Systems to Pakistan, the customer has for financial reasons and in accordance with the original contract, asked to renegotiate part of the contract concerning a reduction of the number of systems. 对于萨博空中监视系统出售给巴基斯坦,客户因财政原因,参照原合同,关于减少系统数量的问题请求重新谈判。
With reference to these models, several suggestions have been proposed regarding teaching evaluation. 结合这些模型,对教学质量评估中应注意的问题提出了几点中肯的建议。
With reference to your advertisement in Yangcheng Evening Newsof December 16 for an accountant, I offer myself for the post. (从12月16日《羊城晚报》广告栏得知贵公司招聘会计一名,本人现在申请该职位。)

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