Paul's new girl-friend is quite a dish,isn't she? |
中文意思: 保罗新交的女友挺性感的,是不是? |
Paul :For shutting your daughter out of your heart.
保罗:把你的女儿拒于你的心门之外的原因。 |
Paul :I know that she is good, and strong and deserves all the love this world has to give. Can't you see that? How wonderful, how special she is.
保罗:我知道她人好、坚强,值得这个世界给她全部的爱。难道你看不到吗?她有多好,有多特别? |
Paul :What's that supposed mean?
保罗:那是什么意思? |
Paul's Cathedral televised around the world.
他们育有两个儿子,威廉和哈里。 |
Paul's classmates congratulated him on his winning the first prize.
保罗的同学们祝贺他获得了一等奖。 |
Paul's new girl-friend is quite a dish,isn't she?
保罗新交的女友挺性感的,是不是? |
Paul's words in Galatians reinforce this point for us.
使徒保罗在加拉太书中重申了这一点。 |
Paul, Silas and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you.
1保罗、西拉、提摩太、写信给帖撒罗尼迦在父神和主耶稣基督里的教会.愿恩惠平安归与你们。 |
Paul, do you remember your first day at school?
保罗,你还记得你第一天上学的情景吗? |
Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day.
徒23:1保罗定睛看著公会的人、说、弟兄们、我在神面前行事为人、都是凭著良心、直到今日。 |
Paul, one of the Queen's personal footmen, met Diana during one of her first visits to Balmoral Castle.
保罗,王妃的私人侍从,在戴妃以前某次去巴尔莫勒尔堡时与她结识了。 |