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Cytidine (cytosine nucleoside) A NUCLEOSIDE formed when cytosine is linked to Dribose via a β-glycosidic bond.

Cystic RCC has excellent prognosis with most patients being cured by resection, regardless of tumor size or stage. 该类型肾细胞癌预后极佳,绝大多数病人不论肿瘤大小或分期如何,均可通过肿瘤切除而治愈。
Cystic lymphangiomas are extremely rare mediastinal tumors in adult patients. 摘要淋巴管瘤发生在成人纵膈腔是非常罕见。
Cystic nephroma is a rare renal neoplasm which is usually benign histologically. 摘要囊肿性肾细胞瘤是一种少见的肾脏肿瘤,且在组织学上通常呈现良性。
Cystitis cystica, often occurring concurrently with pelvic lipomatosis, is a rare proliferative inflammatory disease of the bladder. 囊状膀胱炎是一种罕见的膀胱增生性发炎性疾病,常与骨盆腔脂肪增多症合并发生。
Cystourethroscopy showed normal urethra without definite obstructive lesion, severe distended bladder with marked trabeculation. 尿道膀胱镜检发现膀胱有明显小梁形成及逼尿肌肥厚;但尿道无阻塞性病灶。
Cytidine (cytosine nucleoside) A NUCLEOSIDE formed when cytosine is linked to Dribose via a β-glycosidic bond. 胞嘧啶核苷:当胞嘧啶通过β-糖苷键与D-核糖接合形成的核苷。
Cytochrome P450 enzyme system shown to actiate many carcinogens. 细胞色素P450酶系统可以激活多种癌基因.
Cytochrome P450 enzyme system shown to activate many carcinogens. 细胞色素P450酶系统可以激活多种癌基因.
Cytokinesis The division of the cytoplasm after nuclear division (mitosis or meiosis). 胞质分裂:随着核(有丝分裂和减数分裂)分裂之后的细胞质的分裂。
Cytology The study of cells; cell biology. 细胞学:研究细胞的学科,又称细胞生物学。
Cytology of the uterine cervix smear revealed malignant melanoma. 黑色素细胞癌常转移侵犯至肺部。

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