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Application of laccase from Coriolus Versicolor in biofinishing of blue jeans;

VSP data reflection image using constraint weighted Kirchhoff method; 约束加权克希霍夫法VSP资料反射成像
The prevalences of menstrual disorder,dysmenorrhea and premenstral . 月经失调、痛经和经前期紧张综合征的发生率分别为241例(39。
Changes in circadian sleep-wake and rest-activity rhythms during different phases of menstrual cycle; 月经周期对女性睡眠—觉醒和静息—活动的影响
The Ecological Environmental Investigation and Biological Characteristic Analysis of Codyceps sinensis in Yunnan Province; 云南冬虫夏草生态环境调查及生物学特性分析
The Relation Between Yunnan Geographic Distribution of Cephalotaxus and Environment; 云南省三尖杉属植物的地理分布与环境因子的关系
Application of laccase from Coriolus Versicolor in biofinishing of blue jeans; 云芝漆酶在牛仔布生物整理中的应用
A comprehensive therapy for reducing and controlling tennagers simple overweight and obesity by physical exercise and medical supervision; 运动、医务监督等综合措施减控青少年单纯性超重与肥胖的效果研究
Effects of Exercise on Menstrual Function; 运动对妇女月经功能的影响综述
Infections of the toxoplasma,chlamydia trachomatis,ureaplasma urealyticum,human cytomegalovirus in pregnant women; 孕妇弓形虫、衣原体、支原体及巨细胞病毒感染
The significance of persistent fasting hyperglycemia in gestational diabetes.; 孕期持续性空腹高血糖对妊娠糖尿病预后的意义
Influence of body weight planning intervention during pregnancy on pregnancy outcomes; 孕期体重规划干预对妊娠结局的影响

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