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Since World War Two, more than one and a quarter million Britons have emigrated to Australia, and for millions more it's still the end of the rainbow.

Since Taobao has been set up in May 10th 2003, the Taobao net build up from nothing based Honest, occupy the first place in civil market rapidly, creat a wonder in internet enterprise, become a best platform for network trade to individuals. 自2003年5月10日成立以来,淘宝网基于诚信为本的准则,从零做起,在短短的半年时间,迅速占领了国内个人交易市场的领先位置,创造了互联网企业的一个发展奇迹,真正成为有志于网上交易的个人的最佳网络创业平台。
Since Tuesday, Gazans took advantage of the lull in fighting to return to work and shop for daily necessities. 从星期二起,加沙人民利用战斗的间歇恢复工作,购买日用品。
Since VCD/DVD is special product, customer can't return after the box is opened. 因为VCD/DVD是特殊产品,当您打开原包装后不能退货。
Since World War I, technology has extracted us from behind horse-drawn plows and plugged us into assembly lines and offices. 一战始,技术使我们脱离了马拉犁的时代,把我们推上了生产线和办公室。
Since World War II, psychologists have focused on fixing what is broken -repairing psychosis, and neurosis. 二战以来,心理学的研究重点是如何弥和创伤,即治疗精神症和神经症。
Since World War Two, more than one and a quarter million Britons have emigrated to Australia, and for millions more it's still the end of the rainbow. 二战以来,已有125万以上的英国人移居澳大利亚,而对其他数百万人来说,那里仍是个向往的地方。
Since XHTML is case sensitive, and since XHTML only accepts lower case HTML tags and attribute names, a general search and replace function was executed to replace all upper case tags with lowercase tags. 自从XHTML区分大小写并只接受小写HTML标签和属性后,查找所有大写标签并替换成小写标签的工作开始了。
Since Yangling is the national unique demonstration zone for agricultural high-tech industries in China, solving issue of peasants income increasing in Yangling city will set a good example of rural economy development and peasants income increasingfor ru 摘要杨淩是中国惟一的农业高新技术示範区,解决杨淩农民的增收问题,对陕西乃至西北地方农村经济发展和农民增收将会起到积极的示範作用。
Since a 5-2 victory there in December 1989, they have made 20 further journeys to Stamford Bridge and managed one win, forged by the improbable figure of Bruno Cheyrou, one of the least impressive players Gerard Houllier brought to Anfield. 自1989年12月在那里取得5:2的大捷以来,他们随后对斯坦福桥20次的到访里只赢走了一场胜利,是由布鲁诺·谢鲁奇迹般神勇表现创造的胜利,他是杰拉德·霍利尔带到利物浦的“废柴”之一。
Since a State Council regulation came into force on October 1, 2003, mandatory pre-marital physical check-ups which started in 1992 became voluntary. 自2003年10月1日国务院出台的一项新条例实施后,从1992年开始实行的强制婚检制度即被取消,转变为自愿婚检。
Since a large number of farmers did not use potash, statistical tests were carried out to see if the farmers that used potash did so in a manner that was consistent with profit maximization. 由于大部分农户并不用钾肥,为了了解农户用钾是否符合最大利润用量,对此进行了统计检验。

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