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In launching his raid Mr Nasrallah was in fact doing nothing new.

In late summer the two finalists emerge at their party's convention, and ready at last to debate each other in the general election campaign that will culminate in November. 在夏末,两个最终参加角逐的候选人从各自的政党大会中脱颖而出,准备在11月的大选中与对手针锋相对。
In later Tang Dynasty, private ownership of land developed exceedingly, the landlord manor became the highly privatized model of land ownership. 唐代中后期土地私有权极度发展,地主庄园成为土地高度私有化的典型体现。
In later life, his songs were like him: benevolent, lyrical, slightly overweight, decent and well-meaning. 在他后来的生活中,他的歌就象他本人,慈祥、深情、略微持重(应该是音乐上的专有名词,不好把握)、端庄而又饱含善意。
In later medieval times, the color was thought to represent purity. 在以后的中世纪里,这种颜色被用来代表纯洁。
In later years Jung became professor of psychology at the Federal Polytechnical University in Zurich and professor of medical psychology at the University of Basel. 在随后岁月,容格成为苏黎世联邦工艺大学和巴塞尔大学担任心理学和医学心理学教授。
In launching his raid Mr Nasrallah was in fact doing nothing new. 哈桑对以色列的突袭其实不是什么新鲜事。
In law and legal thought, ideals must come to terms with interests, and the marriage between interests and ideals must become incarnate in practical arrangements. 其中,理想必须与利益相互妥协,且理想和利益之间的联姻必须落实在具体的实践安排中。
In law, you have no obligations to answer these questions. 在法律上,你没有义务非回答这些问题.
In law, you needn't to answer these problems. 在法律上,你没有义务回答这些问题。
In law-making, the weak should be given more rights and in judicature the weak should be given more protections. 就法治建设而论,国家在立法时应当更多地考虑予弱者以更多的权利配置,在司法时也应考虑保护弱者的原则得以更具体的贯彻。
In layer window unlink the mask and map. 在层面板下取消蒙版和地图的链接。

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