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Environmentalists will pitch into this debate too, encouraged by another of Mr Hu's slogans, calling for “scientific development”.

Environmentalists are arguing that the sonar can cause whales to beach themselves and harms other marine animals. 环保人士主张,声纳会导致鲸鱼游到岸上,声纳也会伤害其它海洋动物。
Environmentalists are calling for Mount Everest to be put on UNESCO's World Heritage Danger List because of global warming. 环保人士呼吁联合国将珠穆朗玛峰,列入教科文组织的濒危世界遗产名单。
Environmentalists are pleased by the comeback but not by the delisting. 环保人士感到高兴,但不被抛弃的除名.
Environmentalists argue back that there is plenty of scope for generating relatively cheap green power from farm waste in the South, or from offshore windfarms. 环保主义者则回应说,南部利用农场废料或近海风田,以相对低成本发电的空间还大的很。
Environmentalists have their own eschatology—a vision of a world not consumed by holy fire but returned to ecological balance by the removal of the most disruptive species in history. 环保人士有他们自己的末世论,他们看到的世界并非被神圣的火吞噬,而是藉移除史上破坏力最强的物种,重新回归生态平衡。
Environmentalists will pitch into this debate too, encouraged by another of Mr Hu's slogans, calling for “scientific development”. 被胡主席的另一个口号“科学发展观”所鼓舞的环保主义者也投入了这场争论。
Environmentalists worry that kangs waste energy and add to choking air pollution . 环保专家们对炕表示担忧,认为炕浪费能源并增加令人窒息的空气污染。
Environmentally friendly society reflects the philosophy idea that person, society, nature mutually unify. 摘要环境友好型社会反映了人、秒会、自然相统一的哲学观念。
Envision has set up R&D offices in Germany, UK and China to leverage global resources. 公司团队由欧洲风力发电设计、制造领域的一流科学家、技术专家以及资深的海外投资银行家、能源分析师组成。
Envision is an international Greentech enterprise backed up global private equity fund. 远景能源是一家由海外风险投资基金发起成立的国际型绿色能源企业。
Envision the dog as an adult. 想像你的狗如同一个成人。

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