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Media speculation about Leung's love story had been rife since the former investment banker, who is divorced, became Hong Kong's finance secretary last May.

Media professionals don't think so. 媒体的专业人士并不认同这种说法。
Media reports quote his daughters as saying the once charismatic cult leader has gone completely blind, wears diapers, and mumbles incomprehensibly in his prison cell. 媒体引述他女儿的话说,这位曾经很有魅力的教主已经全盲,大小便失禁,而且在监牢里一直喃喃自语。
Media reports say the socialite will share a cell with another inmate, and will only be allowed to leave it for an hour a day. 这是供希尔顿使用的床铺。据悉,希尔顿在服刑期间将和另一名囚犯关押在同一个牢房里,她每天只有1小时到室外活动的时间。
Media reps love to talk about impressions and brand interactions. So what does a direct marketer have to do to get a hard sales lead instead of a soft impression? 媒体代理热衷于投放次数、品牌互动之类的话题。那么,要想获得实在的销售线索,而不仅仅是空虚的投放次数,直销人员究竟应该怎样做呢?
Media speculation about Leung's love story had been [color=Red][b]rife [/b][/color]since the former investment banker, who is divorced, became Hong Kong's finance secretary last May. 梁锦松,这位离异的银行投资家自从去年五月成为财政司司长之后,媒体对他和付明霞的恋爱故事的揣测已经传得沸沸扬扬。
Media speculation about Leung's love story had been rife since the former investment banker, who is divorced, became Hong Kong's finance secretary last May. 梁锦松,这位离异的银行投资家自从去年五月成为财政司司长之后,媒体对他和付明霞的恋爱故事的揣测已经传得沸沸扬扬。
Media stories in Germany had claimed the injury Ballack sustained in last week's international between Germany and Switzerland was a serious one, and even one English newspaper suggested he would be out for six weeks. 之前德国的媒体报道说巴拉克在上周德国与瑞士的比赛中受伤的很严重,同时甚至有些英国报纸暗示说他将会缺席6个周之久。
Media_Luna Venta de artículos artesanales para la decoración de hogares. Muestra de los productos. 卢湾区图书馆设有图书借阅部、艺术资料室、地方文献资料室、多媒体网络教室、少儿馆等服务窗口。
Mediaeval Alchemy contained Gnostic elements. 中世纪炼金术包含诺斯替教的成分。
Medial Toward the median plane of the body. 内侧靠近身体正中面。
Median follow up was 10.24 (range 2.02–20.16) years. 中位随访时间是10.24年(范围2.02~20.16年)。

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