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Under such circumstances, the authors hypothesize a curricular reconstruction in relation to the music teaching in normal universities.

Under such a major premise, the present paper puts forward, according to some interrelated language teaching theory, the conformity of multimedia and network technology to college foreign language teaching. 基于这样的大前提,本文以相关的语言教学理论为基础,着重论述了多媒体网络技术与英语教学的整合。
Under such a mechanism, pricing should be made to accord with the value law with most of the merchandises and services to adopt market regulated prices while only a few of them to be put under government-set or guided prices. 价格的制定应当符合价值规律,大多数商品和服务价格实行市场调节价,极少数商品和服务价格实行政府指导价或者政府定价。
Under such circumstances, industrial cluster has provided a new angle of view for the research of international competition of region, and has gradually been a focus in the circle of theory. 在这样一种情况下,产业集群为研究区域国际竞争力提供了一个崭新的视角,并逐渐引起了理论界的广泛关注。
Under such circumstances, more effective response measures is to found QC08000 system, put the products' environmental requirements from the customers and the environmental items in the orders into the existing management system, to make it become part of 在此情况下,比较有效的应对措施是建立QC08000体系,将来自客户之产品环保要求或订单中的绿色条款,纳入现有运作管理系统中,成为公司日常活动中的一部分,采取系统性之应对措施,则任何再多的产品环保要求非但不是产品外销的障碍,企业反可借此提高自身竞争能力。
Under such circumstances, that central government aimed to revitalize the old industrial bases in Northeast China how to improve the regional innovative capacity and the competitive power of Jilin province, has become a very important realistic problem. 在中央振兴东北老工业基地的有利形势下,吉林省如何提高区域创新能力,从而有效提高竞争力,是十分重要的现实问题。
Under such circumstances, the authors hypothesize a curricular reconstruction in relation to the music teaching in normal universities. 因此,高师音乐教育的专业课程结构必须进行调整。
Under such circumstances, the design of the cable and it's attachments must be such that no wheel may make contact with the driver's head. 在这种状况下,缆绳及其附件的设计必须保证轮子不会撞击到车手的头。
Under such circumstances, the seller, however, is still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliver of the contract goods. 在上述情况下,卖方仍有采取一切必要措施从速交货的责任。
Under such conditions cotton flowering and boll setting would be reduced at the expense of excessive vegetative growth. 在这种逆境下,棉花开花和结铃会由于营养生长过旺而减少。
Under such policies, Latin America became a veritable hothouse of industrial diversification. 在这样的政策下,拉丁美洲变成了一个真正的产业多元化的温室。
Under such protection, osteocytes retain their regenerative capacity, subsequently enveloping the femoral neck protection device according to the so-called pearl hypothesis. 在此保护伞内骨细胞得以生生不息,把股骨颈保护装置团团包覆住,是曰珍珠理论。

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