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Her breast and pulmonary lesions were successfully treated with high-dose corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide.

Her boyfriend, a police officer in Canton, is being charged with two counts of murder. 杰西的男友——坎顿的一名警官被指控两项谋杀罪。
Her bracelet was set with emeralds. 她的手镯上镶著绿宝石.
Her breadth of experience makes her ideal for the job. 她经验丰富,最能胜任这项工作.
Her breadth of experience makes her ideal for the job. 她经验丰富, 最能胜任这项工作.
Her breakthrough role came in 1997 when she played Keanu Reeves' wife in The Devil's Advocate. 她突破性的角色是在1997年,当时她在《魔鬼代言人》中扮演了基努•里维斯的妻子。
Her breast and pulmonary lesions were successfully treated with high-dose corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide. 她的乳房及肺部病灶在使用高剂量类固醇及环磷酰胺后成功控制。
Her breath stank of garlic. 她呼吸中有大蒜味.
Her breathing gradually evened out. 她的呼吸渐渐平稳下来了。
Her bridegroom is a handsome young man. 她的新郎是一个英俊的年轻人。
Her brother is a good gunner. 她的兄弟是个好猎枪手。
Her brother is a shrewd businessman. 她兄弟是个精明的生意人。

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