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A humorous imitation of a work of art for comic effect or ridicule.

A humanoid body in the midst of which a powder cannon has been grafted. 在像人的身体中央嫁接入了一枚粉装的炮。
A humble hobgoblin, Toede was forced to refuse this request, stating that he had no political ambitions, but wanted simply to serve his mother, the Queen, in whatever humble capacity he could. 作为一个谦虚的大地精,投德必须拒绝他的要求,并声明他没有任何政治野心,只是想尽可能谦逊的为他的母亲,黑暗之后,效劳。
A humble servant of Asha. 我只是亚莎一个卑微的仆人。
A humid climate is characteristic of the peninsula. 潮湿的气候是这个半岛的特色。
A humid wind blew from the south. 湿润的风从南方吹来。
A humorous imitation of a work of art for comic effect or ridicule. 模仿诗文:一种为取得喜剧或嘲讽效果,而对某一艺术作品进行的滑稽模仿。
A humorous or droll person; a wit. 幽默者幽默或滑稽的人;机智的人
A humpback whale mother and calf embark on an epic journey from tropical coral paradises to storm ravaged polar seas. 一头母座头鲸带着她的幼鲸开始了一场从热带天堂般的珊瑚海开始的远行,她们的目的地,是布满惊涛骇浪的极地大洋。
A hundred and fifty, maybe RFB – that's room, food beverage. 一把押75呢,你的房间就可以免费。
A hundred billion stars mutually bound by gravity encircle the central region, some passing close in, some in wider orbits. 一千亿恒星被引力相互联结着,束缚在中心区域,有些更靠近中心,有些(在外围)有着更宽阔的轨道。
A hundred miles is a long distance. 一百英里是一段很长的距离。

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