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Functions: sunflower seed oil has functions to adjust blood pressure and reduce cholesterol in blood fat, etc,and has remarkable curative effect in preventing senile plaque, dermatitis, night blindness, bronchiectasis and gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

Functions: Put this miraculous bath melts below bathtub tap and run water onto it to allow for gradual melting. 功效:将这个神奇浴块置于浴缸龙头下方并放水冲击,使它慢慢融化。
Functions: This miraculous ballistic added with strong and pure cocoa butter originated from Italy is rich in quality milk and elegant cababga odorata essence oil, and can not only deeply moisturize, but also fully nourish your skin. 功效:来自意大利的浓郁纯正可可脂被添加进这个神奇小泡弹中,富含优质牛奶和幽雅的依兰精油,不仅深入润泽、更可充分养护肌肤。
Functions: This type of soap not only features honey-comb structure, but also contains rich nourishing essence of honey. 功效:这款香氛皂不仅有着蜂巢式的外观,更真正富含蜂蜜的滋养精华。
Functions: energy extract from deep-sea plant in Pacific, plus plenty of rich mineral and ocean particle ingredients, brings your skin with unprecedented motion experience. 功效:源于太平洋的深海植物能量提取,大量丰富的矿物质及海洋微粒成分,带给肌肤前所未有的动感体验。
Functions: it can be used to prevent cardio-cerebral diseases such as areteroscterosis, coronary heart disease, apoplexy and myocardial infarction, etc heavily threatening human health. 功能:它可以用于预防对人类威胁极大的心血管病,包括动脉硬化、冠心病、中风与心肌梗塞等等。
Functions: sunflower seed oil has functions to adjust blood pressure and reduce cholesterol in blood fat, etc,and has remarkable curative effect in preventing senile plaque, dermatitis, night blindness, bronchiectasis and gastrointestinal diseases, etc. 功能:葵花籽油具有调节血压、降低血脂中胆固醇等功效,对防止老年斑、皮肤炎、夜盲症、支气管扩张及胃肠病等具有显著疗效。
Functions: to be helpful to physical adjustment and human body development, prevent cell from ageing, improve skin elasticity and play a role for beauty and healthcare. 功能:有助于生理调节和人体发育,防止细胞老化,增强皮肤弹性,起到美容保健的作用。
Functions: to control blood fat level, prevent cardio-cerebral diseases, be anti-oxidation, delay senescence, maintain normal metabolism of fat in body and improve immunity of body. 功能:控制血脂水平,防止心脑疾病,抗氧化,延缓衰老,可维持体内脂肪正常代谢,提高肌体免疫力。
Functions:completely clean face of impurities, gently moisturize and sooth skin, leave skin soft and supp-le, eliminate bacteria on skin, elimin-ate pimples and irritation, speed up skin's metabolism, and improve blo-od circulation. 功效:彻底洁净脸部污垢,具有温和滋润、清爽舒肤的功能,同时可清除肌肤表皮的细菌,加速皮肤新陈代谢,改善血液迴圈,令肌肤柔滑不绷紧。
Fund collection-payment mode is the combination of the fund collection mode and fund payment mode. 基金收支模式是基金收入模式和基金支出模式的组合。
Fund companies split the role? 基金公司进行拆分处理的作用?

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